Selenium with Java 23 - Actions class Move to element method

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Actions class Move to element method
moveToElement Method in Action Class :
moveToElement(WebElement toElement)- Moves the mouse to the specified element.
MoveToElement(WebElement toElement, int xoffset, int yoffset): Moves the mouse to the specified offset of the top-left corner of the specified element.

Possible Interview Questions on selenium actions class move to element method:
How to use moveToElement method with and without parameter.?
How to move the mouse to a particular element?
How to move the mouse to a particular element by x and y co ordinates?
Рекомендации по теме

Thanks a lot your tutorial helped me a lot


Hi .. I have a small query in these video, moveToElement(WebElement) means, the mouse will move to that specified webelement right, but where as moveToElement (WebElement, x int, y int ), it will moves to our specfied webelement, which we mentioned as parameter, but wat is the purpose of giving that coordinates again, means now our mouse pointer will moves beyond of our webelement which we specified or what ?
- Thanks in advance


Hi...I have 1 question.
@ 1.33 Why did (driver) considered in the Actions constructor?
