Lothar Schafer: Quantum Reality and the Spiritual Mind

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Lothar Schafer draws from Quantum Science and Ancient Mystics ways to unleash
our creative potential.

Lothar Schäfer is a Distinguished Professor (Emeritus) of Physical Chemistry at the University of Arkansas. His research in the areas of Physical Chemistry, Electron Diffraction, Applied Quantum Chemistry, and Computational Chemistry led his team to develop the first real-time gas electron diffraction instrument in which diffraction data are recorded on-line, enabling the first pulsed-beam, Time-Resolved Electron Diffraction studies of laser-excited molecules. Additionally, they performed the first quantum chemical geometry determinations of peptide molecules, predicting structural trends in proteins a decade before they were experimentally observed. He is the author of the book, "In Search of Divine Reality - Science as a Source of Inspiration which has been translated in Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish. Since 1998, Dr. Schaffer has given more than 160 public lectures in the US and abroad. He has been a guest on CUNY-TV and Chopra radio.
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Greetings, Lothar:

Thank you for posting this video. Your book, Infinite Potential, is wonderful and enlightening. I appreciate the powerful difference you are making for humanity.



I just discovered his work! Love his dry sense of humor. I'm so grateful to have these videos.


It is a shame that he has left us, but he was truly an amazing person and his work and sense of humor is deeply appreciated. Thank you Lothar ❤


Loved this lecture. I've always thought that the mystics in every spiritual tradition have been waiting patiently for science to realize that the empirical method which has brought us quantum mechanics points to the same Great Reality that every human being can know through direct experiential knowing.


I believe it confuses people when we say that reality is an illusion. They think, “Yeah, right. I’m in a horrible car accident and wind up bloody and mangled in the hospital. And that’s just an illusion?”

This place is real as hell while we’re here; it has to be in order to function properly. So perhaps a better way to make this point is to say that matter is not fundamental. And that there is a non-physical force (spiritual or otherwise) that is generating this seemingly solid environment.


When a soap bubble breaks
what is the loss?
The same space is there
minus the gloss!
The Self exists with form or without.


Absolutely wonderful lecture. Enjoyable, and incredibly profound. Thank you for sharing this.


Very informative and thought-provoking. And Lothar has a killer dry sense of humor, which makes the presentation enjoyable to watch, Cheers.


Overwhelmingly beautiful and self fulfilling. Many thanks.


A very interesting video and of special interest is the explanation of virtual states of atoms and molecules at 15:54 of this video. It reminds me of satkaryavada of Samkhya and even more of Patanjali's descriptions of parinama in vibhuti pada sutras 13, 14, and sutra 12 of kaivalya pada. Sutra 13 and 14 bk2 states etena bhutendriyeshu dharma lakshanAvastha parinama vyakhyata - shantodityAvyapadeshya dharmAnupati dharmi -by this is explained the transformation of property (or we could say phenoumena as dharma is sometimes used in abhidharma of Buddhism), time-phase and state in the instruments and the elements - the substance ( the holder-dharmi) follows or conforms with the properties (dharmas), be they subsided, arisen or indeterminate (potential). So satkarya is the doctrine that the effect exist within the material cause so a property or dharma can be either arisen, which we call the present, in potential, which we call the future or it can be subsided which we call the past. Patanjali says in bk 4 sutra 2 jatyantara parinamah prakriyApurat -due to the overflowing of the evolvent (prakriti) there is a change of type. bk4 sutra 3 nimittam aprayojakam prakritinam varana bhedas tu tatah kshetrivat - the conditional cause is not the impeller of the evolvents (prakrit in plural form, in samkhya a prakriti is an evolvent that evolves other tattvas, a vikriti is an evolute that has evolved from an evolvent, that is why prakriti here is plural, some tattvas are both prakritis and vikritis, and some are only vikritis namely the visheshas or the particularized) but merely pierce the barrier like the farmer (irrigating ) the field. Like the flooded field surrounded by the mounds of earth, when the barrier is breached the water flows by its own force, so is the conditional cause which removes the barrier to a change in dharma. Then the arisen Dharma subsides back to the svarupa (virtual state), and is replaced with another appropriate dharma, according to the new conditional cause. The video calls the dharmas which are either in potential or subsided in the svarupa as "in the virtual state". Sutra 12 bk 4 states atitAnagatam svarupato'styadhva bhedad dharmanam -the past and the future exist in the virtual state (svarupa) due to the different paths of the properties. So the properties always exist in the substantial cause, as in satkaryavada, and as it is explained here in this video on quantum physics. The video says basically something can not come from nothing...it already exists in the virtual state. Same as satkarya and in the causation as explained by Patanjali. I hope I have written this in a understandable way for people! Thanks for reading!


not exactly a motivational speaker this fellow but - what is far more important - clearly someone who draws all the right conclusions. Would like to hear this delivered in his native german.


The Indian sages' allegory of the water pots in sunlight explains genesis 1:26. We are created in the image and likeness of God. So much in this video. Thank you so much!!!


Maybe Lothar is going in the right direction.. Things are really difficult.. Success may require a lot of hard work, open mind, positive attitude, etc... :-)
Seek and You will Find.. :-)
Thank You :-)


Synchronicity has brought me here... What a time to be alive


Thanks a lot for sharing this very precious lecture. ❤🙏💟


Lothar Schäfer is a Distinguished Professor of Physical Chemistry (emeritus) at the University of Arkansas.


Go get the book, you will read stuff that will blow your mind. RIP Lothar.


Extraordinary lecture. Vielen dank, Meister Prof. Schafer.


Beautifull talk, and beautifull paintings of waves as potentiality - you have to leave the bud to Bloom - experience is to explore the World - and I wish the Text underneath was not so bad - it would be much more helpfull to show the powerpoint text in focus


Love the topic and if you can get thru his presentation style its amazing. Lothar is very hard to "get into it" because his stop n go and choppy style. No flow to follow.. thx
