Οδυσσέας Ρούσκας - Βρε πως Μπατιρίσαμε

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Οδυσσέας Ρούσκας - Βρε πως Μπατιρίσαμε

Στίχοι: Αλέκος Σακελλάριος
Μουσική: Μιχάλης Σουγιούλ
Πρώτη Εκτέλεση: Τρίο Κιτάρα

Βρε πως μπατιρίσαμε
που σαρανταρίσαμε
Τι γοργά περνούν τα χρόνια
μήτε που καλά το ξέρεις
πάει έσπασε ο Γρηγόρης
να που σπάει κι ο Λευτέρης
κι ο Βασίλης ρε μαράζι
τήνε βγάζει δεν τη βγάζει

Βρε πως μπατιρίσαμε
που σαρανταρίσαμε
Στο νεφρό του ο Νικολάκης
οικονόμησε μια πέτρα
ο Ηλίας έχει στρώσει
μια φαλάκρα δύο μέτρα
κι ο αφράτος ο Σωτήρης
έχει φέξει σαν φακίρης

Βρε πως μπατιρίσαμε
που σαρανταρίσαμε
Ο Κωστάκης πήρε σπίτι
Γερμανίδα νοσοκόμα
ο Γιωργάκης ο τσαχπίνης
κλείστηκε στη γεροκόμα
κι ο σπαθάτος ο Αντρέας
έγινε ένα μάτσο κρέας

Βρε πως μπατιρίσαμε
που σαρανταρίσαμε
Του Γιαννάκη τα δυο μάτια
εκρεμάσανε σακούλες
ο Μιχάλης είναι τίγκα
με κοιλιές και με προγούλες
κι έτσι στο παλιό μας στέκι
μόνο ο Χρήστος καλοστέκει

''Όταν η Μουσική είναι βιωματική, γίνεται διαχρονική και μεγαλειώδης. Όταν μαθαίνουμε να υπηρετούμε την αλήθεια και την αγάπη αψεγάδιαστα, τότε ονομαζόμαστε άνθρωποι."

Μετα τιμής Οδυσσέας Ρούσκας(Sir Ulysses)

''...... I believe in love, brotherhood,peace,friendship,freedom...i believe in music coming out from the soul and the truth of every Independant artist for the people and only....i believe in persons and artists like Nelson Mandella and Bob Marley...i believe in the spiritual strength of every single person on earth..i believe in hope..i believe in the most significant good of all ages and thats love...give as much love as you can everywere and you ll be rewarded with true dreams in your life..."

Sir Ulysses(Odisseas Rouskas)

Odisseas Rouskas(sir ulysses) was born in Kallithea city, Athens-Greece on 08/04/76. Since the first years of his childhood, he understood the meaning of the word music as he was born talented on it and especially at singing.
He learned to play the guitar by himself without the assistance of any teachers as well as singing, composing and writing lyrics. For the past 20 years, he is trying to make his dream come true and that's his songs to be listened all over the world. Stevie Ray Vaughn, Miles Davis, Pink Floyd, U2,bob marley,peter murphy,david bowie,waterboys,depeche mode,iggy pop,cure,sting,ray charles,tonny bennet,elton john,james brown,BB king,johnie cash,tom jones,john coltrane,robert cray, Van Morrison, John C. Coltrane, Maceo Parker, Mikis Theodorakis, Manos Hatzidakis, Jose Padijia, Tiesto, Sade and so many more, exist as his musical preferences.
He has sung so many kinds of music, trying to find his own musical road as all the creative musicians should do. From the black notes of Robert Johnson to the magical moments of the Pink Floyd band, he is still singing and now he believes that after his first album called drosia (erotic summer song released by universal at 2007), his quest for his musical journey has started. He is trying to be highly educated and open minded for the needs of the global music, has studied sound engineering, Byzantine music, cinematography and he learned to play many music instruments. Odisseas loves nature and free camping, brotherhood, peace, animals and he believes in love and in a better world with no hunger and wars.

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enas kai monadikos mpravo pame dinata....
