Coronavirus Update With CDC Director, Robert R. Redfield, MD

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CDC Director Robert R. Redfield, MD discusses the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the agency’s latest recommendations. Recorded on July 14, 2020.

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Topics discussed in this interview:
0:00 Introduction
0:20 Background on Dr Redfield
2:18 Universal masking
5:27 Politics and masks
7:11 What will the next few weeks look like?
11:40 Vaccines for COVID-19
14:26 Bridging therapies (Monoclonal Antibodies / Immunoglobulins)
19:37 Criticism of the CDC for its handling of COVID-19
26:26 What's driving the surge in the South
27:26 What can we do better to make sure the message is better accepted by Americans?
29:09 Contract tracing and surveillance strategies
34:50 Testifying before Congress

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Topics discussed in this interview:
0:00 Introduction
0:20 Background on Dr Redfield
2:18 Universal masking
5:27 Politics and masks
7:11 What will the next few weeks look like?
11:40 Vaccines for COVID-19
14:26 Bridging therapies (Monoclonal Antibodies / Immunoglobulins)
19:37 Criticism of the CDC for its handling of COVID-19
26:26 What's driving the surge in the South
27:26 What can we do better to make sure the message is better accepted by Americans?
29:09 Contract tracing and surveillance strategies
34:50 Testifying before Congress


Thank you for doing this, I appreciate how respectful Dr. Bachner is to his guests. It's clear our public health specialists are dog-tired. My heart goes out to them. And I want to thank all workers in and servicing the health care industry for their service during this difficult time.

I would like to see a discussion about prevention. In addition to wearing masks and physical distancing, how do we improve our immunity to ward this off and fight it if we do become infected.


Total respect for Dr. Redfield. Thank you for your time on this interview.


The numbers always go down on the weekend... As of today I see 935. This is not the person we need in this position right now.


Would be nice to see an interview from the researcher who wrote the paper at the CDC rather than a political appointee.


Contact tracing is pointless if the original covid19 patient doesn't get confirmation of the diagnosis quickly. A week or two is too late to get a confirmation is too late to notify contacts.


Please convince Redfield to have some spine and refuse to cooperate in the politicization of the vital COVID-19 data!


I am looking forward to see whether Howard asks the questions that need to be asked, and follows up once the good doctor deflects. I am skeptical on both counts.


Well, the good news is Dr. Redfield didn't really deflect. The bad news is he didn't have to because not only were all the questions "softball" questions, there were very few of them and pretty well none that weren't of the variety "tell us what you think...".
This is why the US is in the state they are and will continue to be.


Redfield has come out with full support for opening schools, which is tantamount to saying, let this thing spread as far as it possibly can. I think Mr. Bauchner needs to respond to the immense political pressure that Redfield is under to make such a preposterous and dangerous statement. Especially after this interview, where it's clear that school should likely remain remote until people take the issue of masking and distancing far more seriously.


Which CDC members were sitting on the WH coronavirus task force meeting when Trump/Pence over ruled CDC control of the stats? Hospitals to now send to DC and not CDC?


He can make a 2min sentence take 2 hours


I really love to hear dear De. Buchner


These are essential Dr Bauchner -thanks


There are really so many points of contention with this interview, and with the references cited that I do not even have time to list them all. It's time we stop allowing government to make half baked policy based on panic and Bad Science. Americans, be courteous and practice good hygiene, and by all means tell these jokers they're fired.


I saw an interesting piece on covid19 showing up in sewage treatment plants. Seems like a good way to get early & non-invasive surveillance on asymptomatic hotspots in order to focus limited testing & tracing resources. Yet I have seen no indication that any organization or govt entity is pursuing this avenue. Couldn't you two high profile doctors push this idea into the right hands? It would be a win-win, since it would be much quicker while sidestepping the public's loss-of-privacy fears.


What a superb interview, really great information x


Interview or heavy petting session? Watched this hoping he would - at last - have a clear at last message for a medical journal, was left more disappointed then ever. really a shame. This guy continues to let us all down.


President Trump could have done better, but chose to dismiss, and it would go away, like a miracle.


Do you have any other sources of funding other than the congress?
