Education has NO Age limit #mindset #goingbacktoschool #college #thatgirl

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I thought I would never want to go to college after I graduated highschool. I was just jumping from job to job, then finally decided I wasn't getting paid enough to even try living on my own, much less save for my future, so I decided to go to college. I started off going to nursing school, was in it for one semester then decided I didn't want to spend years in school when I can just do a few months for EMT.
My grandparents were pissed when I told them that I switched to EMT, telling me that I will be broke, and even asked me how much they had to pay me to stay in nursing school.
I love my grandparents, but this hurt me so much that I was willing to move in with my bf and his Nana, but I stayed.
I start classes in two weeks and I'm still getting what I need. And hopefully within the next couple months, my bf's aunt and uncle will get their new house with a finished basement for us to move into for $600/month.
While I'm still in school, I'm trying to find a job that will pay good and work around my classes. It's been a tough struggle, but hopefully I'll find something soon


i forget that in america teenagers are expected to choose their careers at 18
where i’m from people often begin at 23-26
