Get to Know Our New Faculty

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Join us in welcoming our new AUC faculty members, who come from diverse backgrounds and bring fresh perspectives to the classroom. Find out about their interests, passion, and sources of inspiration!

Salah Al-Agha
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Lara Baladi
Associate Professor of Practice
Department of the Arts

Karim Banawan
Assistant Professor
Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering

Elizabeth ‘Liz’ Day
Assistant University Archivist for Records Management
Libraries and Learning Technologies

Yasmine Eissa '05, '09
Assistant Professor
Department of Economics

Yasmine ElKhateeb
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab

José Galan
William K. Simpson and Marilyn M. Simpson Visiting Professor in Egyptology
Department of Sociology, Egyptology and Anthropology

Hedayat Heikal '06
Assistant Professor
Department of Law

Sebastian Ille
Associate Professor
Department of Economics

Noha Abou-Khatwa ’98, ’01
Assistant Professor of Islamic art and architecture
Sheikh Hassan Abbas Sharbatly Department of Arab and Islamic Civilizations

Dina Mahmoud ’19
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Mai Mahmoud
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab

Aya Musmar
Assistant Professor
Department of Architecture

Jason Myrick
Associate Professor of Practice and Associate Director of Digital Education
Center for Learning and Teaching

Nermine Said '00
Associate Professor of Practice
Department of the Arts
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