Part-2: The LinuxTutorial for DevOps and DevSecOps [2025] | Full DevOps Tutorials for Beginners

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Part-2: The LinuxTutorial for DevOps and DevSecOps [2025] | Full DevOps Tutorials for Beginners
#dsoc3 #DSOC3 #devsecopsclub #certifieddevopsengineer #cde #linux #ubuntu #dsoc3cde #ubuntu24.04

🚀 Linux Command Exercises
📁 Create Directories
Create a directory called devsecopsclub
Navigate into the devsecopsclub directory
Create Subdirectories inside devsecopsclub
Create Nested Directories
📄 Create Files
Create Files in Subdirectories
dsoc3-f1, dsoc3-f2, and dsoc3-f3 in each subdirectory and nested subdirectory
📜 List Directory Contents
List the contents of devsecopsclub and its subdirectories
🔍 Show Current Directory
Print the current working directory path
➡️ Move Files
Move Files Between Directories
Move files dsoc3-f1, dsoc3-f2, and dsoc3-f3 from devsecopsclub-dir1 to devsecopsclub-dir2
📝 Exercises for ls
List the contents of the devsecopsclub directory.
List the contents of devsecopsclub-dir1 with detailed information.
List all files, including hidden ones, in devsecopsclub-dir2.
List files in devsecopsclub-dir3 sorted by modification time.
List files in devsecopsclub in reverse alphabetical order.
🔍 Exercises for pwd
Print the current working directory.
Navigate to devsecopsclub and print the working directory.
Navigate to devsecopsclub-dir1 and print the working directory.
Create a new subdirectory inside devsecopsclub and print the working directory.
➡️ Exercises for cd
Navigate to the devsecopsclub directory.
Navigate to devsecopsclub-dir1 from devsecopsclub.
Navigate back to devsecopsclub from devsecopsclub-dir1.
Navigate to devsecopsclub-dir2 using an absolute path.
Navigate to devsecopsclub-dir3 using a relative path.
🏗️ Exercises for mkdir
Create a directory called devsecopsclub.
Inside devsecopsclub, create a directory called devsecopsclub-dir1.
Create multiple directories at once: devsecopsclub-dir2 and devsecopsclub-dir3.
Create a directory with parent directories: devsecopsclub-dir1/subdir1.
Create a directory using a relative path from the current directory.
📝 Exercises for touch
Create a new empty file called dsoc3-f1 in devsecopsclub.
Create multiple files: dsoc3-f2 and dsoc3-f3 in devsecopsclub-dir1.
Update the timestamp of an existing file.
Create a file with a specific modification time.
Verify if a file exists before creating it.
Create a file in a non-existent directory (and observe the error).
Create a file with special characters in its name.
Create a file in a hidden directory.
🚀 Exercises for mv
Move a file dsoc3-f1 from devsecopsclub to devsecopsclub-dir1.
Move multiple files: dsoc3-f2 and dsoc3-f3 from devsecopsclub-dir1 to devsecopsclub-dir2.
Rename a file dsoc3-f1 to dsoc3-f1-renamed in devsecopsclub-dir1.
Move a directory devsecopsclub-dir1 to devsecopsclub-dir2.
Move a file interactively.
Move a file forcefully, overwriting the destination.
Move a file and create parent directories if they don't exist.
Move files matching a specific pattern..
⚙️ Exercises for .. and .
Navigate to the parent directory using .. from devsecopsclub-dir1.
List files in the parent directory using ...
Navigate to a sibling directory using ...
List the contents of the current directory using ..
Create a file named . in devsecopsclub-dir1.
Remove a file named .. in devsecopsclub-dir2 (and observe the error).
Create a subdirectory named . inside devsecopsclub.
List hidden files in the current directory using ..
Use .. and . in a single command to navigate directories.
🛤️ Exercises for Absolute Path
Navigate to devsecopsclub using its absolute path.
Create a new directory using an absolute path.
Move a file using absolute paths.
Remove a file using an absolute path.
Print the absolute path of the current directory.
Create a symbolic link using an absolute path.
Copy a file using absolute paths.
List contents of a directory using an absolute path.
Navigate to the root directory using an absolute path.
🛤️ Exercises for Relative Path
Navigate to devsecopsclub using a relative path.
Create a new directory using a relative path.
Move a file using relative paths.
Remove a file using a relative path.
Print the relative path from devsecopsclub-dir1 to devsecopsclub.
Create a symbolic link using a relative path.
Copy a file using relative paths.
List contents of a directory using a relative path.
Navigate to the parent directory using a relative path.
Create a file using a relative path.
🗑️ Clean Up
Remove Specific Files
Remove the files dsoc3-f2 and dsoc3-f3 from devsecopsclub-dir2
Remove Empty Directory
Remove the now empty devsecopsclub-dir1 directory
Remove Directory with Contents
Remove devsecopsclub-dir2 and all of its remaining contents
#virtualization #virtualmachines #virtualmachine #virtualboxwindows #ubuntu24.04 #ubuntu
Рекомендации по теме

Honestly, I found little tricky to understand the file system in the beginning but when you came up with that hotel example, it helped me to understand the entire concept of file system hierarchy in the wink of an eye with the help of such beautiful slides.

I had some hands on Linux commands prior watching it but literally -p command, I found it new for me and very useful to create parent directories along with sub directories in one go without getting an error. Amazing!

I don't how long I will last or tuned with this exclusive series but I confess that I enjoyed learning through your videos like never before in my life. And, yes, I strongly believe that the quality of your content and the interest of me in it will keep me bounded with the series till last.

Thank you, Kartik!
