SMITE: The Crusher | Why is it not used? | Item analysis

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SMITE Item analysis for The Crusher with damage comparison to similar items (Brawler’s Beatstick & Heartseeker) and additional info on which gods/roles can possibly make use of it. This video will go in-depth about why The Crusher sees so little use and if this is actually justified due to the item being bad or Crusher just being overlooked.

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(Outro) Song: Suffer City - Suffer City Blues
Published on Nov 30, 2016

• Game: Donkey Kong Country (Nintendo, 1994, SNES)
• ReMixer(s): ZiSotto
• Composer(s): David Wise, Eveline Novakovic, Robin Beanland
• Song(s): "Aquatic Ambiance"
• Posted: 2016-11-30, evaluated by Chimpazilla
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The crusher works so well on ullr and you just brushed over it.


I prefered the old crusher because in some games you just want to tell towers to fuck off you know?


I would rather have it back to what it was


The Crusher is actually an item I build often now. So much better than last season


In my opinion It's damn strong. Love using it with my warriors and assassins!!!!


1. no damage
2. only procs on gods
3. too situational/inconsistently useful


If I recall correctly, they said it was a bridge item meant for ability based hunters (not every pen item is meant to be used by assassins despite what people may think). Personally I don't enjoy relying on crit RNG BS procs to get my damage going, prefering power/pen builds myself (miss my all-time favorite build "Unicorn", where this item could have had a place if you didn't need the antihealing). Something along the lines of Bluestone, Boots (probably Ninja for better late game dps), Transcendence, Crusher, Qins, Brawlers/Jotunns/Asi, Titans could be nice IMO although not necessarily in that order. I don't think it's a best in slot item as of now by any means, and it sure could make use of some buffs or tweaks but I do like the idea behind it.


2:30 my god you played that poorly O_o


I love their idea behind Crusher this season and think it's got plenty of potential with ability-based gods that weave basics into their attacks (such as Awilix) but I agree that it should have cdr instead of attack speed. I feel like they couldn't decide whether or not they wanted it to remain a hunter item. They also probably don't want to have two items with % cdr in the _physical penetration tree_.


I love all your videos of analysis. So well thought out; a bit over my head because I'm slow and can't process too many things at once. Which is why I'm causual4lyfe lol but you allow me to feel like i can get the game a little bit better :D thanks for all your help!


I actually find the most use for this on gods like susanoo and serqet, since their main burst is a chain of abilities that are also their escapes, and since both normally gun for a basic attack at the end for either serqets passive or a hydras proc now that it only works once for sus 1 to finish off the enemy, reasoning being sers taunt being normally the first ability used followed by the dash and sus 2 followed by his tp
after the chain w capped CDR both only have to wait a second or two to get their cc back and some survivability by buying time as their escape should be off CD immediately after
5th slot after max CDR in normal modes and last pick in conquest is a good place to slap it for a slim amount of extra escape potential and at that point I've built some kinda defense or the situation doesn't actually need more than spirit robe so it works


Ironically enough, shortly after watching this, I see Snoopy picking The Crusher on Skadi (against Noble) and it worked wonders, was able to reset abilities twice per fight, putting things a bit more in perspective as far as this item is concerned.


I like it on a very damage-focused Guan Yu. Mana conservation be damned, it's great fun to spam your abilities almost non-stop in a fight, supplemented even further by the cdr from his heal and Genji's Guard.


it works on thanatos since you wanna max his cdr early and the attack speed helps him clear waves, also with thanatos you can scythe and follow up with basics to get your scythe up again if you are sticking to a target for a bit


I found it fun to use on Guan, it synergize very well with his passive, and with high CDR, you can spam your ability all the time during teamfight. :D


The crusher is the best item for warriors, since they lose damage drastically late the attack speed gives them needed dps, and the cooldown helps for more abilities on teamfights, also the power and pen helps in overall damage.


What would you say about Crusher on Erlang? He doesn't make any decent use out of the other pen items thanks to defensive items filling in the gap of cool down and anti-heal. he also wont have much power to make good use of heart seeker either. I currently build
Ninja Tabi
Glad Shield/breastplate
Ichi- Could I replace this with crusher and still be effective?
Situational Item
Mantle/ Spirt robe


I feel like it's fine on hunters when you're going for a pen build and you're not too worried about boxing. swap it out in the build instead of fatalis. bit more pen, bit less atk speed, a good bit of power on it. it's good for objectives and towers


i wish you would just say a shortened version or your main point at the start. then expand on why


for my neith build i use crush like 5th item, for the extra pen and attack speed. (i also include crit within the build as well) so that might be what helps. the 1sec cd/ 5 sec on god hit is nice in a team fight when neith ult is down because it pulls it back up faster
