District Attorney provides update on the Menendez brothers case as they seek release

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Los Angeles County District Attorney Nathan J. Hochman provides an update on the Lyle and Erik Menendez case.

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Even if you believe the lying twins, there is no justification for what they did to their mom.


The day they were convicted it should have been the end of any furthur conversation. This just waste of money and Tax payers time and money.


📍No one would know or care about the brothers if it weren’t for all the contradicting movies & documentaries 🤦🏼‍♀️


They should of bring that up in court when they were arrested at there hearing the first court


This DA loves the sound of his voice. Historically, the victim who fights back is always put on trial as if they are the perpetrator. Rape victims were always judged as somehow being responsible for the violent acts done to them. Unless you are well educated into the psychology of victimization, PTSD, childhood physical, psychological, and emotional abuse, the damage to the brains of children abused throughout childhood and into adulthood, you do not belong in a case like this. The brain chemistry of children who are abused from early childhood is changed and everything that comes after is skewed through that changed brain chemistry. The fact that these two young men (at the time of these murders) are so inept in their stories, says much that was totally missed or brushed aside by the adults and professionals who were responsible for the handling of this case. These parents were very organized and they hid the horrible things they did for decades. They covered their tracks for years. One of the most frequent opinions stated by the public is the same opinion tossed at women who suffer abuse by their partners for years, why didn't she/they just leave? The answer may seem overly simple but people who have been disassembled don't feel that they can survive on their own. They have been made to feel incapable of making their way in the world. This DA is so embedded in the Menendez brothers acknowledging their crime without the same being done by the world in relation to what was done to them throughout their lives. The is no menu for how victims react to horrible events and yet we as a society keep asking that victims behave in a certain way. We need to see this in a more logical and humane way. These young men were fighting for their lives, whether it makes send to us or not. We have to look at this in a different way.


Thanks for reminding us that these two brothers are liars and why they got life sentences with no chance of parole.


They should have been unearthed when convicted.


keep them where they are until their sentence has been completed.


Are we really going to rehash every slam-dunk conviction?


I don't know why people are jumping to support these family members!
They killed their OWN parents out of GREED, even if you believe their abuse claim (which I''m NOT 100% convinced about) they should have just moved out.


They were old enough to move out if the abuse was true- they had other relatives to live with or just go get a JOB like most Americans


I followed this horrific case in 1989 when it happened, and watched them try to cover themselves with all the lies; there is no real remorse, or regret from either of them. If released, they'd be a threat to the public, and could do it again. They should never be allowed to get out. I have to wonder why this is coming up and money being wasted to put this out again.


If Gavin newsome wants to be with them so bad he should just go to prison


They killed their parents for money. They just made up the sexual abuse after the fact. Keep them in jail. The sentences should stand. Would anyone else get this opportunity?


This is BS! Of course they said no when they were asked if they were sexually abused because they were not allowed to use their victimization as a defense!!


Is there any record of the MONEY that has been spent on this. Sooner or later, going to have to quit. Damn, just let them go; seems where they're headed.


who do they think they are jeffrey epstein?


What about their spending spree after the killings?


They murdered their parents, Is there any thing positive gonna come from these 2 murderers?? Nope says everyone.. If they were abused, they could have gone a different route than they took.


If they were Black? Sorry Charlie. Star Kist wants tuna that don't kill Mommy and Daddy.
