When Lived Experience Meets Research | with Dr. Iain Campbell

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I got to sit down with Dr. Iain Campbell to learn more about his journey from struggling with his own bipolar disorder, to conducting research aimed at improving treatment for and the lives of those living with bipolar disorder. He used the ketogenic diet to improve his own mental health, and is now moving the field of metabolic psychiatry forward through his research at the University of Edinburgh.

Thank you so much Iain for joining us and for the valuable work you are doing!

You can learn more about Iain and his work through:

Keto Bipolar Podcast - @ketobipolar


You can find more about my keto coach Nicole Laurent and her work on her website:

HOW TO TEST YOUR KETONES (important for medical keto!)

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This beautiful young lady has done a monumental service to mankind.


I think we all need to finally understand there is not a divide called "mental" health and "physical" health. There is just health. If something is going wrong in the brain, something is wrong with the body - they are not separate entities.


He is so sweet, gives such a sensitive and shy vibe


I have bipolar type 2 and got into the keto diet seriously last year (on and off a year before that). I just Googled the mental health benefits and found the studies showing the link between keto diet and mental health. That convinced me to do keto. The diet made a huge difference in my mental health. It didn’t totally “heal me” as I still experience anxiety and delusions/hallucinations from time to time due to pre-menstrual exacerbation but it was not as debilitating as before that I had to quit my job and lie in bed for days or go through crying spells. Keto diet did minimize psychosis, hypomania and depressive episodes a lot. Since then, I’ve been able to hold a job for over a year and feel more stable than ever. Boxing and exercise also helped so much in managing my bouts of anxiety and depression.


Brilliant interview Lauren and Ian. As a mum of a daughter with the same diagnosis as Lauren - Schizoaffective - I am very inspired. Our whole family is now moving to a keto lifestyle to support my daughter. We would never have thought of doing this without Lauren's Vlog. Huge thanks and keep on going.

I would love to find out more about mct oil if you are able to talk about that on a video one day soon.


What an amazing guest and interview Lauren! This was so informative and educational. You are making a real difference in this world documenting your experience for treating mental health with the metabolic therapy and providing hope! You are an intelligent patient and collaborator and therefore are a forceful voice for others. What an accomplishment you have already achieved in your young life to be vulnerable and letting others learn or connect through your comprehensive experiences. I encourage your advocacy, it is so meaningful and as a viewer it is amazing to actually see and hear about your success in weaning from the medication. Emitting positive and continuing healing energy to you. ♥️


Just in my kitchen, making keto cookies, listening to your Iaim Campbell interview. I LOVE the lived experience interviews. Loved the panel from the conference in Austin, loved the interview you just posted with Iain! Thanks for sharing this, Lauren!


4 days into keto - some difficulties sleeping due to transition but it feels like a weight is coming off my mental shoulders, or taking off a heavy cloak.. severe ocd for me


Never having suffered with mental issues myself but knowing some people in my life who have, I have come to learn so much from you Lauren and your guests. It's been almost two years since I subscribed to your channel purely out of curiosity and from my own experiences with people in my life who did suffer. If nothing else, I can honestly say I myself have seen the positive leaps and bounds that you and your family have accomplished. YES, I have seen the bummer times too that you have endured. Life fo sho is not all gum drops and lollipops, but your progress has helped me in many ways to rethink how I approach situations now! Thank you for keeping The REAL in your REEL Lauren! Cheers From COW-lumbus, Ohio MOO 👋


My hypothesis on keto so far: glucose spikes tnf alpha in the brain, which causes more local hypercalcemia. So by avoiding glucose spikes with keto diet, you avoid triggering more brain calcium which is known to cause psych symptoms. Also, brain hypercalcemia impairs glucose metabolism in turn, so less energy/brain fog, but again won't affect ketone metabolism.
Keto over time uses up more vitamin D, and D deficiency leads to urinary calcium loss. Why does it use up D? It has to be because ketones dial up the the immune system, which uses vit D.


Dr Cambell’s story rings true with me too. I also spent many years working in the creative industry and my bipolar was put down to “artist temperament”. After 25 years, last year I was diagnosed and have spent a year trying to stabilize myself with meds with mixed results. After watching your videos I decided to try medical keto and for the last 4 weeks I have been strictly following keto supported by my medical team. I was quite sceptical if it would work and I wasn’t convinced it was doing anything until Sunday. I broke keto by eating a slice of cheesecake- what a big mistake. It totally crashed my mood and I felt so agitated. Now I am not planning to “cheat” again, not worth it for me! Thanks for both of your work in this area, it’s helping people!


Lol! Twenty years with mental illness. I was first diagnosed at age 21 with Major Depression with psychotic episodes. I'm now 81, still on medications and no longer consider getting off medications as Drs have convinced me the risk is too great. One psychiatrist suspected I was bipolar with very low manic levels...given my history it remains a distinct possibility. My most recent diagnosis is Schizoid Affective. After thirty years, I used to joke that I knew more about mental illness from the inside out than the psychiatrists knew from the outside in. So it is very interesting listening to this discussion. Not sure I will be here in five years to benefit from your research but delighted to know it's going on.


Good for him...he articulates scenarios well...he is not speaking too much, and not his fault, about longitudinal results...my own experience involves a two year consistent increase of energy and clarity with Keto then lessoning...I do hope now, and feel so, that I have more calmness in my life during challenges with what I learned during that time engaged more with wellness...

Kat Redfield Jamison's body of work/writing is well worth a person's time...I agree...


So keen to see what the clinical trials come out with. Even keen to be a participant!


Really contemplating trying this ketogenic diet to see if my anxiety/depression improves. Thank you for this Lauren & Dr. Iain.


You look better and healthier. Keep going. You are an inspiration


I can relate in so so many points to both of you... Thank you so much Lauren for the video! 🎉


Please do more interviews, they're super informative. Great video!


I was recently diagnosed with bipolar disorder and my psychiatric recommended the keto diet. Loving the videos about it. I hope it will help me.
