Aiden Fucci's teacher testifies during sentencing

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While Fucci's teacher said he was respectful to adults, she agreed that he was cocky and thought he "knew more than others".
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Having an IEP and needing extra help in school don't make anyone a murderer. This thug murdered this beautiful, young girl to see how it felt. He believed he could get away with it. Don't get me started with his mother.


His evil sickness has nothing to do with needing an IEP


I had an IEP bc of my dyslexia. I now have a 3.8 in university and hope to become a doctor. An IEP doesn’t mean you’re stupid. It just means you have a learning disability. But not all learning disabilities are ones that cause a low IQ either… so so SO many kids have IEP for multiple different reasons. Him being an IEP kid has NOTHING to do with him being a psychopath and quite frankly I’m offended and disgusted that his IEP is even being brought up as an excuse for his actions.
Edit: To all of you replying, y’all do realize the ONLY reason this was even mentioned was because they’re trying to spin it as a reason he could’ve gone crazy and killed the girl. He also has brown hair. No one’s mentioning that because it has NOTHING to do with ANYTHING. And NEITHER does is IEP. Yet they’re STILL bringing it up! Why? Because his lawyer is trying to spin his IEP as a reason to why he may be disturbed. So pleas spare me. I am not making a “logical fallacy”. Just an objective observation.


As a teacher, I would hate to be in her position.


Students can have challenges all the time. Millions have IEP's but they Don't murder others.


Both of my sons had IEP.. they are now wonderful grown adult men. My oldest still deals with ADHD.. he learned to control it. My boys have and always had the kindest hearts. Aiden is not human. There is no heart. This is somebodies baby boy who turned out to be a monster. I may get jumped on by many people but because the mom was caught washing his clothes and trying to hide such a horrible incident tells me she has always covered up and or made excuses for him which totally ruined this nonhuman. This is what happens when there is no or very little consequences.


She was def not looking at her students wondering if one of them would commit a horrendous murder based off the fact he had an IEP… leave her alone, she’s a special Ed teacher… she has many students too look after


Learning disabilities don’t make someone a murderer. He must have seen something online that he wanted to copy and emulate. But to want to destroy instead of create is a mental illness. We need to teach kids to create .

Rest in peace young beautiful child. I am so in pain that you suffered this way and that you never got to grow with your family. Wishing healing and peace for her family.


Children act so different in school as opposed to how they act at home
Polar opposites!


I.E.P = Individualized Educational Plan. It is a modified and assisted means of providing information to a student to better their understanding and dissimilating their ability to complete a task. An IEP can provide speech therapy, physical therapy, additional time for testing or alternative testing sites, behavioral therapy, cognitive therapy, group settings, for some examples. Some students learn at different rates, learn using different methods, learn better under low distraction means, etc.


He pleaded guilty. Why 50 hours of trial???


She doesn't want any liability she had to be subpoenaed because if she saw things and didn't report it she could be liable


She seems smug. Without caring. Swiveling her chair. Uncomfortable.


Poor teachers have to fear for their lives going to work. Something that never would have been expected just 10 years ago.


I drive special needs children daily, who have I.E.P's. those have nothing to do with the child being a cold hearted, calculating killer. Many factors affect these children, whom I call my "babies & kids". I feel bad for this family. Prayers for her family. My heart hurts for them, and the grandma. However, no family is as perfect as she's saying. Prayers that you all can find strength to go forward. 💔💔💔


Kids know how to pull the wool over adults eyes. Most of us did this as kids.


I live in Canada 🇨🇦 but having struggles in school 🏫 and needing special help is separate from a teenager wanting to murder just to watch them die. I understand this teacher did the best she could and it’s hard for 1 teacher to see everything. So I don’t blame her for missing certain behaviour issues with him. His mother on the other hand tampered with evidence and covered up a crime. Aidan and his mother are both where they belong.


I’m sorry but there’s a lot of kids like this, , children are killing themselves or others for clout. Social media and this Godless world is creating these types of self centered narcissists. Where is his family in all this? Make them answer these questions. Teachers can only do so much. I feel terrible for Tristan’s family.


I didn't know my brother heard voices until he was 40 yrs old and had just gotten out of prison.
All this is neither here nor there for what Aiden did, in my opinion. There's no reason to roast the teacher like she's out to deceive people. She's clearly just pulled into this for purely circumstantial reasons.


He didn't want to do work sometimes was a spoiled brat!!! In my opinion !!!
