DO NOT START THE RADIOLOGY PROGRAM | X-RAY | until you watch this! (Bonus tip at the end)

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These are my TOP 5 tips that you should know before entering the radiology program to set yourself up for success. PLUS a BONUS TIP at the end, that I wish I would have known! There are sooo many more as you can imagine. However, I believe these are 5 of the most important.

If you’re a tech, leave your tip for future students below. If you’re a future student, or current, and have questions leave them down below as well.

If you have any suggests for any other videos, leave a comment!

In future videos, I'll be covering each exam as we perform as radiographers. The tips and tricks I learned to make your exam fast and efficient. As well as other videos with advice from my experience in the program. I have a "teaser" of what's to come from an exam tutorial video at the end.

You got this! You didn't come this far, to get this far. The finish line is in site. I got you! I was once in your shoes. We all have to start somewhere, and get through adversity to come out on top.

Also, please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE if you want to see more from me. I appreciate your time.

"My name is Rey and I'll be taking your x-rays!"

Рекомендации по теме

im 33 and going to school for Radiology. I thought I was too old to even attempt it. I work for the school district as a custodian and decided to really focus on a long term career I would love. Luckily I can be put on a sub-list to fill in instead of having to look for another job. Awesome knowlege.


I watched this video a year ago, when i was applying for schools for radiology. I'm starting my clinicals in 2 months and i just wanted to pop in and say its been a wild but rewarding ride! If anyone here is thinking about becoming an x-ray tech or an RT, DO IT. I had all the doubts too (trust me), but its absolutely doable.


I just turn 30 years old and I want to study for Radiology. I thought I was too old to even attempt going back to school. Watching your videos is motivating me to study this career. I don't have children so I can put in the hours to study!


“You didn’t get this far to get this far.” That hit different


I passed my boards yesterday! Still feels surreal haha can't wait to start working!


I cannot stress enough how fervently I need you to keep posting these videos..


Me my first week at work in the ER right now watching this video 👁️👄👁️


Sorry for the long videos ya’ll! BELIEVE ME. Tried to shorten this as best I can lol, but I feel like my stories and advice are only gonna help. Positioning tutorials will be coming soon. My 1st year anniversary of being a Registered RT is coming up in 2 weeks, so I wanted to make a video of my experience of my 1st year first. Watch out for that bass drop! 😎 Stay RAD ☢️


Just turned 28 years old and my twenties are just so depressing from working a dead end job, going to school/failing to launch a rewarding career, dealing with a dysfunctional family and overall not being able to establish any sense of financial independance. I'm looking at starting the X-Ray/Rad Tech program this fall with encouragement from my uncle who is a nurse and believes in me as I would like to be able to join him in the medical field.


I never thought about getting into radiology until a couple of days ago I’ve been looking into more videos about it and came across this video. Very informative and helpful with respect to those that are pursuing a career in radiology. Many years ago I wanted to become a nurse and came across many pitfalls that made me loose interest in the program and decided to get into respiratory therapist. I went as far as four semesters into the program and decided to drop because it was not for me. Going into clinicals and seeing first hand the amount of work a respiratory therapist does on a daily basis made me realized I did not want to become one. I found out that I don’t want to deal with medication reminders, I also don’t want to worry about not being on time to give a breathing treatment. Or having to bag a patient who codes blue. I don’t want to deal with injections or cleaning a patient if he or she poops. Or having to run to a code blue call in the hospital. I also found out that hospitals make me sick. I don’t like them. I was willing to do the clinical portion of it for the program, but was not something I would pursue in the future. This is how I started to look more into radiology. I like what they do. I also like the fact that they can work in other places and not just the hospital. They take images all day and don’t have to worry about direct patient care like nurses or respiratory therapist do. I’ve been looking for a career like this just never noticed it or realized it could be for me. I like hands on and like to be on my own. I like doing my job without having people watching me all day. I’m hoping to get into the program this summer. I feel I can do this. I’m ready to start, perhaps I wouldn’t have been ready before, but I’m ready now🙏


i’m a freshman in college and with this whole pandemic i’m stressing and overthinking things but after watching your videos i feel more calm and it’s making me more confident that this is the career i wanna do THANK YOU!!!


I love reading the comment section on this video, tear jerker, amazing people here and what y'all adding is lifting my hopes up, thanks and God bless!


I’m about to be 25 and a MRI student. Almost 1 year left of the program!!! 😇 I know what you mean when you say it comes easier after a while. I never thought I’d be where I’m at rn. But alas… it clicks!


I’m 33 and I’m about 5 months in.
I had a massage license before this and that ABSOLUTELY prepares you to go into tech school.. so much anatomy and physiology in massage so it was a great base...

I’m actually going to a school that focuses directly on X-ray so I get a LMRT license after my first year and we can make like $20 an hour starting out and then we do a bridge program to get our full RT license and then we can make the big money :)


I was considering xray tech, but decided to go into a different program (hard decision). I still watch your videos because you share great tips/advice that ANYONE can find useful! Motivating me to keep going and don't ever quit. Thank you for that your energy is EVERYTHING!! 🙏🏾💛


I’m already in a rad tech program (about 6 months in) and feeling tons of doubt and discouragement! Watching your videos really helps me 😊 Still not totally sure if I’ll stick with it but deep down I want to and hope I do, even if the easier thing is dropping out!


I applied to the radiography program at my college and didnt get in. I was hurt but i plan on applying again! :) wish me luck


I'm a senior graduate and just applied for radiography for college.I've been watching videos on here trying to help prepare me and get a taste of what it'll be like. Your video has helped and going to watch more.


hey man- this is really inspiring. I'm a former firefighter, injured on the job so I couldn't do it anymore. Felt like my purpose was taken from me.. but through some research and meditation I found Rad Tech as something that really interests me and still allows me to help others and be in the medical field. I'm starting my pre-req's in January and pursuing my Associates of Science while I am waitlisted for the RadTech program where I live. I'll probably be between 30-32 when I am finished and it's going to be a long journey but with the support of my wife and hard work as well as having informed, uplifting content like this I know I can do it!


I’m so glad there’s someone like you talking about the program! I always see the older videos and wished updated version would pop up and you did that(: thanks for the tips it really helped me get motivated
