Has Aim Assist Gotten Stronger in Call of Duty?

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Aim Assist is often a very hot topic in Call of Duty, especially since the launch of cross-play with Modern Warfare 2019, and today I wanted to compare Aim Assist between CoD games to see if it's gotten stronger over the years. What do you think of these results and what do you think of the current state of Aim Assist in CoD?

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I'm glad I was right. All I gotta say. I think it's even less going further back, but getting mapped by SMGs now a days in almost every gunfight was literally unheard of in MW2/MW3 days.


Very interesting results. Its also important to point out that in the games with weaker ranges, aim assist will still activate in 90% of your gunfights, because it's pretty rare for engagements to stretch that far in multiplayer


They ain't going to like this one


As a long term PC player, I find these results interesting. Since crossplay was introduced, I always seem to have a "better game" when crossplay is either turned off, or the lobby is mostly k/b & mouse players.


A better test of rotational aim assist would have been to be running into a wall while adsing and having an enemy run through your line of sight and see how much it changes. You could measure it in the same way with degree changes of the arrow on the mini map.


Well there was no cross play before MW2019 so that's probably why people felt it got stronger. As an m&k player I do see the advantage of AA, especially in close to mid range gun fights in WZ.


ace never fails to impress me with all his testing. he was definitely a data analyst or something before youtube


You know i remember noticing in MW 2019, how my sensitivity would slow down and I couldn't see an enemy at all. I guess they were just so far away to see, but it was still picking up. I guess I hope they tone down the range. Maybe even per weapon type. Like SMGs are much shorter then Assault rifles or something.


I die by headshot 70 percent of the time by controller players in Modern Warfare 2019 and I am not not exaggerating. It's almost as if the headshot hitbox for controller players expands to mid torso or something. Against a controller player if you're in tactical crouch, you're gonna get headshotted EVERY SINGLE TIME.

I've been playing first person shooters since the early 90s, in a few cases competitively, so I'm no spring chicken. I've seen shit done by aim assist casuals in this game that I've never seen in all my time playing among the best players in the planet in some games as a keyboard and mouse player.


ACE, these parameters you set yourself on these tests, im not sure how you get to this ideas, but im sure of something, i cant feel that a like and a comment or even being subscribed with the bell thingy on is a good enough sort of compensation for the effort the duality the approach the study of many cod sources... you never cease to impress... what a expectacular channel... GREAT JOB!


Great video! I was waiting for you to make a video about AA. I wish you would have tested a few more things though- rotational AA in vertical situations (i.e. you are in a window and you don't see any enemy, an enemy suddenly falls from top to bottom of the window AA tracks them as they fall down), rotational AA at variable distances (I don't think measurements at only 10meters is a good enough metric, especially considering WZ engagement ranges), as well as rotational AA with various movement situations (only self moving, only enemy moving, both moving), as well as the impact of strafe speed vs. rotational magnitude (feels like faster strafe = stronger pull towards enemy center; very tangible with CW Mac10). It is definitely a whole shopping list but I would like to know these things to draw a fully accurate grasp of AA strengths, though your video does give us the baseline.

To answer your questions - yes, I was surprised by the data; I thought the "stickiness" had definitely gotten stronger. I think the current state of Aim Assist is too strong - AA extends too far and rotational is too powerful. I play on controller, Xbox Series X. I also wish you would've commented on fragrant language people use like "aimlock" and "legal aimbot" etc., but I also see it is not your intent to "get political" with the video and just present the data.

Great video!


A thing I've noticed is how soon does the aim assist kicks in. I've seen videos of the aim assist activating the instant it sees a pixel of the character model. In addition to that, some enemy strafing testing would probably be warranted.


Great video! In other FPS communities, most of the controversy seems to come from using controller on pc. Could the FOV slider be increasing the effect of rotational aim assist when using a controller on pc? Also, could the scale aim assist with FOV setting have an effect as well?


I imagine the range from 2019 and on is because of the drastically larger maps compared to previous years


I’m going to assume the reason the ranges for aim assist grew exponentially starting with MW was to account for crossplay with PC/m&k to help close the gap between the two peripherals


It’s not that it’s increased, it’s that it’s too strong to begin with.

Even IW director has stated the average controller player has better stats than the average KBAM player. This is bedside Aim Assist Rotation is too strong.


Lots of comment complaining about aim assist getting stronger on a video quantitatively proving that aim assist HASN’T gotten stronger is peak COD community.


I would of been curious to see you go into the aim resist of cold war in this video and see if any other nuances of aim assist had shifted over the years.


As a KaM player I feel I lose a lot of gunfights to aim assist rather than the player. Random movements get easily tracking by the aim assist, where I may miss shots aim assist WILL land those shots.


I love the science experiment videos like these.
Ace proves to be really smart and creative with his methods.
