Advent of Code 2023 - Day 17

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45th on part 1; 18th on part 2; now 4th overall.

Slow part1 because I forgot to actually use Dijkstra instead of BFS. My final code is quite slow.

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The way I encoded the graph is (row, col, dir), where dir is one of 4 directions.

The trick is that each node represents "the position at row, col, where you aren't allowed to move in a direction parallel to dir". So in fact, the neighbours of say (row, col, right) are

(row - 1, col, up)
(row - 2, col, up)
(row - 3, col, up)
and similar for down.

A friend also told me I could ditch "left, right, up, down" and just use "horizontal and vertical" which makes it even cleaner


It took me awhile to realize I needed to include direction of motion and how many times it had moved in that direction when tracking visited vertices. Just glad I got it done before I fell asleep 😃


I've just tested your solution with my input and P2 is wrong
you got lucky ;-)
because you are missing check "(or even before it can stop at the end)."


I lost a lot of time by not realizing that the cart also has to move a minimum of 4 tiles in a direction when it reaches the end too. Does your code account for that, I can't see where it does.


I can't believe this is running so fast. My example code runs in 1 second, yet the main input takes several hours, even though my code is pretty similar to yours, but OO. Still need to figure out what is different!


One possible speedup is to test if you reached the end position in the loop and return the current cost there - the first time you hit it has to be the cheapest.


congrats, some messy P1, not sure why you did not make ints from inputs directly; but nice quick P2

I was not storing all costs for all positions, only waiting for (R-1, C-1), but I needed to add checking for s >= min_moves_before_turn
because problem stated "it needs to move a minimum of four blocks in that direction before it can turn (or even before it can stop at the end)."
maybe I did not understand if this is in your "valid" checking or you just got lucky
when I remove this condition, I get correct result for P2 for sample, but wrong for my input

def solve(lines, min_moves_before_turn, max_moves_straight):
D = [[int(ch) for ch in line.strip()] for line in lines]
R = len(D)
C = len(D[0])

res = None

seen = set()
q = []
# value, row, column, heading, steps
heapq.heappush(q, (0, 0, 0, -1, 0))

while q:
v, r, c, h, s = heapq.heappop(q)

if (r, c, h, s) in seen:

seen.add((r, c, h, s))

if s >= min_moves_before_turn and r == R - 1 and c == C - 1:
res = v

for rr, cc, hh, ss in get_moves(r, c, h, s, min_moves_before_turn, max_moves_straight):
if 0 <= rr < R and 0 <= cc < C:
vv = v + D[rr][cc]
heapq.heappush(q, (vv, rr, cc, hh, ss))

return res


Btw, you didn't have the right braces for isvalid_part2 condition which would be the cause for the long time ( or maybe an infinite loop ), and not the assert / prints, I think


Tried writing A* traversal...can't see a bug in my code. At a high level, would that traversal work as a search mechanism? If you said you are using dykstra...from what I understand a* is superset/better than dykstra?
