Use Fix and optimize foliage in unreal

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Showing how to Use Fix and Optimize your foliage in unreal. using foliage has been a problem amongst some indies for a bit. so I'm making a video hitting ways to fix foliage in ue4. this video covers just this subject as I still get comments on my other videos asking some of these questions. Hope you all enjoy the video it was fun to make and sorry I was gone for so long been working hard on a few game projects!

you will learn to paint the foliage to the landscape

make it so you don't paint it onto static meshes

prevent black foliage error

large lightmap resolution error

and how the lower render distance for foliage.

using foliage in unreal. Is a rather important thing to beable to do for alkt of games. So I've made a few videos on it. as I've seen a few people needing these tips and lessons.
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I had some problem with foliage NOT being erased in any way possible! Your help here in turning LOD group to foliage fixed this! Thanks a lot!


Thank you very much, very useful vid.


do you have any idea why the foliage past a certain map scale no longer works?

past 1000 on the scale it goes over to 1000 or below I can paint the trees etc but above I can't I have tried to modify the foliage instance which is by default at 25600 but that does not change anything or at worse make me planted ue


@Batnobie X nice, very useful, what meshes did you use for the main trees, the ones that have some sort of plant growing from the trunks?


Im in UE 5.1 and im catching the foilage brush dissapearing . Im wondering if that static mesh filter trick you showed could be causign it. I might be painting foilage on more than just landscape


Hello, thank you for your good training. But one problem I have is that I throw stones with the fill command. The rocks overlap. Because I want to fill the whole surface with stone.
