In Prayer Behind Imam Should I Recite Or Stay Silent? | Shaykh Abu Eesa | FAITH IQ

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Apart from the usual recitations according to the majority of scholars you have to recite your Surah Fatiha and the surah. The only school of thought that differs is the Hanafi. Hanafi school believes the Imam is doing it for you and that is enough.

On further introspection of our sunnah we find a sahih hadith that says ❝there is no prayer for the one who has not recited the opening of the book - meaning surah Fatiha❞. One may wonder, what about the loud prayers, where you hear what the Imam is reciting?

According to Ibn Taymiyyah رحمه الله if you hear the recitation of Surah Fatiha you just have to follow it and there is no need to recite it.

Shaykh Abu Eesa answers and explains...

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Jazakallah my brother I was very confused at first because I kept on asking random people who all had different answers but you have made it very clear👍


Thank you so much. I try to look for answers until now. You make it easy to understand. My Allah SWT guide us to the right path. :)


I had been confused for a long time about this, thank you for explaining may allah bless you,


Mashallah Subanallah Alhamdulilah Astagfirullah la e la ha il lal la hu muhammadur rasul allah pbuh May ALLAH bless protect forgive all of our sins Ameen.


Jazaak Allahu khayr👍4 sharing this video🌹🌷🍃barak Allahu feekum☝🕋


Although I find this position most practical, I see some scholars stressing over the hadith that there is no salah without the Fatihah, and that this specific rule takes precedence over the general command in the Quran to listen attentively to the recitation. So, in order to not endanger my salah, I've taken to recite after the imam is finished with the Fatihah.


Thank you very much for teaching me this lesson


Subhan'allah!! Thnx alot fo such an informative VT..Mashaallah!!👍🏻😊💯


This is the best explanation and very clear!


Shaikh Saleh AlFawzan said its sufficient for the follower to keep silent in both loud and silent prayers.


I agree that no fatiha in the prayer means no

In hanafi maslak, muqtadi has to keep quite because they consider sana and tasmia also as praise to Allah so no need to compete the imam in jehri salah. This is what i thought although i don't follow hanafi


brother surah fatiha is compulsory in every rakat of our Salah. if we didn't recite it in Salah then our Salah is not accepted.


Nah, instead what the Lord wants every man to do is:
Repent (change your mind on and turn from the practice of sin/moral wrongdoing - God will help you with this if you let him), believe the gospel of Jesus Christ (the perfect life he lived, the brutal death he died - for our sins btw - his burial and his resurrection after 3 days), be baptised in his name - the name of Jesus Christ - and keep following him, as he does want a personal, spiritual relationship with us all - to love us and protect us, like a father would for his children.

May God bless you all 🙏🏾


I recite Surah Fatiha in quiet prayers and after two rakat of loud prayers . But most of time, I can't complete the full surah because the imam goes to ruku so fast. I am from Bangladesh. And most of the Imam here, pray really fast.
What shoud I do in this situation?


Am I allowed to follow the imam praying? I myself am a hanbali but of course if there’s clear evidence from another imam that’s what I’ll follow. Sometimes I just like to follow why the imam is praying and I do it silently.


I follow the madthab of imam Malik I wonder what’s his position on this. Currently when an imam leads I do no recite the Fatiha or the Sura either silent or loud as the imam covers that but all the rest I recite.


Sheikh, aslamu alaikkum, can you please slow down❤


When do you recite Fatiha in loud prayer is it after the imam has recited his or is it during I’m still confused


The maliki school has the position that you should not recite the fatiha if the imam is reciting out loud.

The evidence being
(Sahih International)
So when the Qur'an is recited, then listen to it and pay attention that you may receive mercy.

-Sura Al-A'raf, Ayah 204


Imam Muslim (vol.1, p.174) reports an authentic Hadith in which Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم said, “Remain silent when the Imam is reading.”

Hadrat Jābir رضي الله عنه mentioned, “There is no salah for him who does not recite Surah Fatiha in salah, except for the one who performs salah behind an Imam (he will not even recite Surah Fatiha when following the Imam)” (Tirmidhi).


Shukran, have you a complete tutorial about the salah in congregetion. Ik searched on youtube and I find lots of videos about what to do when you are late for the congregational salah.
