Objective vs Subjective (Philosophical Distinction)

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An explanation of the difference between objective and subjective, and definitions of each of these terms. How can you tell if something is objective or subjective? If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it, does it make a sound?

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Information for this video gathered from The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy and more!

Information for this video gathered from The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy and more!
(#Objective #Subjective)
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This made my brain completely explode.


I remebered myself when I used to leave my dolls in the room and look at them behind the door so that they can speak comfortably


Objective is quantitative whilst subjective is qualitative.
Sound is objective as it's measurable, whilst music preference is subjective.


thanks helped a lot ...best explanation I got so far.


Subjectivity is ultimately an aspect of objectivity. My subjective experience is an objective fact. It's an objective fact I'm having experiences. Now if my interpretation of an external event is incorrect then its an objective fact that I misinterpreted something.

Conscious experience is part of reality as much as any other phenomena happening in the world.


even the definition of subjective is subjective,

also the definition of definiton is subjective


It's also important to recognize that the tree falling results in vibrations of air pressure, much like any type of vocalized speech, which results in what we understand, after it reaches our ear drums, in a "sound." The "sound" itself, however, might differ from one group of people to another, which is why we have e.g. stark differences in onomatopoetic language. As a result, the tree falling certainly results objectively in those vibrations of air pressure, though the actual "sound" that it produces would be subjective--and not realized without someone around to hear it.


Yeah yeah, just make it simple.

Objective is what exist(no matter we exist or not)
Subjective is our opinion.


I would explain it this way:

It depends on how you define “sound”. If you define it as the result of a brain’s interpretation of certain physical stimuli, then no, it does not make a sound; however, you can also define it as the physical stimuli themselves that the brain interprets. No answer is incorrect, consider that the question does not inherently imply that we must use the scientific understanding of the phenomenon of sound.


The vibrations moving through air are no more sound than are the grooves on a vinyl record...it is just encoded information. Sound is an experience.


Super late comment here, but: I think it's very useful to break down this dichotomy into two different dichotomies, and that a *lot* of philosophical problems arise from conflating those two different dichotomies together.

On the one hand, there's the dichotomy of objective-as-in-universal vs subjective-as-in-relative, which is about whether there is one single correct answer to a given question such that disagreeing with it means you're incorrect, or there's no correct or incorrect answers at all and just different opinions all equally not-right-or-wrong.

On the other hand, there's the dichotomy of objective-as-in-transcendent vs subjective-as-in-phenomenal, which is about whether there can be properties that are completely divorced from any impact they have on anybody's experience of the world, or all properties of all things are nothing above or beyond the differences that they make in someone's experiences.

These two dichotomies don't have to line up! The common ontology employed by the physical sciences is objective-as-in-universal but subjective-as-in-phenomenal: there is, on that account, nothing more to reality than the way that it appears, nothing beyond empirical observation, but there is *one single unified* reality that has to be consistent with *all* observations.

If you apply the same combination of principles to morality instead of reality, you get something like the axiology used in utilitarianism: goodness consists of something to do with people's experiences (them being pleasurable rather than painful), but there's *one single unified* good that has to be consistent with *all* such experiences, i.e. goodness lies in *everyone's* experience being pleasurable-not-painful, so whatever a good state of affairs is, it's got to somehow or another manage that.


The lessons of this video are informative. However, based on it's explanation this could be lost in translation because the narrator fails to provide any clarity or simpler examples. In short, this video could only be recommended to a knowledgeable audience and nobody outside of it.


Thank you for this video, i thought you explained everything well and i finally know what objective and subjective mean.


I'd like to look at the opening question of whether or not the tree made a sound from a different angle:

*I spoke and no one was around to hear me. Did I make a sound?*

I believe that putting myself in place of the tree proves that the tree indeed does make a sound when it falls though no one was around to hear it.


Objectivity is self evident and stands alone on it's own power.


0:35 yes it absolutely made a sound cause there are mushroom spores relying on that sound to propagate


The pacing in this video is comparable to the speed of light


Geeeeze. I needed this... subjectively.


Error @ 1:15. METAPHYSICAL = of or relating to things THOUGHT to exist but cannot be observed (measured). This is SUBjective!!!


I will make a thesis that objectivity comes with knowledge and truth. And the subjectivity of ignorance and desire. Most people will say that beauty is subjective, but after examining it, there is a mathematical and symmetrical in beauty that makes it comfortable for everyone to see, the subjective part of beauty is a preference to choose or because there is no choice.
