Tiny And Transnistrian | GT-MU fire support vehicle

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The Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, better known as Transnistria, is a breakaway state located in the internationally-recognized territories of the Republic of Moldova, on the Eastern side of the Dniester River, along the border with Ukraine. It seceded from Moldova during the dissolution of the Soviet Union, due to its ethnic makeup including a large number of Ukrainians and Russians who did not want to be part of the Moldovan state. The unrecognized state’s army has relied on leftover Soviet equipment from the former 14th Guards Army, which was based at Transnistria’s capital of Tiraspol, to equip its formations. This army’s location near an important river led to it having a large quantity of various engineering vehicles, which Transnistria has had to find use for and re-purpose for the defence of its territories. An example of these is the GT-MU, of which some examples have been converted to serve as fire-support vehicles.

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Oryx Blog:

A Forgotten Army: Transnistria’s Little Tank Buster That Could

The Victory Day Parade That Everyone Forgot


An article and script by Marisa Belhote
Narrated by Sosoniaru
Edited by The Modern Warfare Historian
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Transnistria is almost a real life Elbonia.


Looks like somthing a frustrated nco and a bored engineer came up with. Seems practical and simple, lots of spare parts as well.


Transnistria is the creation of the 14th Guard Army. For example, the women organization demanding independence consisted of the wives of officers and NCOs. Transnistrian forces consisted of men from the 14th Army and volunteers from Russia fighting with weapons from the the 14 Army, including tanks and artillery.
To this day Russia keeps a military force in Transnistria and supplies the republic with military and economic aid. There is a large russian army depot with a gigantic amount of military equipment withdrawn from the soviet forces in East Germany, Poland etc and transnistrians can take anything they want from there.


It's a lot like a Universal Carrier upgrade 😎👌 potentially very useful


It's weird to see transnitrian armored vehicles lol, but i know this will be a good video


Good for them . I hope they stay strong and get what there are fighting for.


They want more fire power, take off that 73mm recoiless rifle and mount a Soviet 122mm mortar.


this is more of a vehicle for their parades or only for auxiliary activities because even RPG 7, which even the army of the Republic of Moldova has plenty, can cause significant damage . probable even the 14.5 machine guns could penetrate their armour!


Reminds me a bit of the even smaller Wiesel-platform of the Bundeswehr. Those can come with all sorts of specializations as well, especially the modernized Wiesel-2.


Gotta love transnistria (or however it is written)


Didn't expect to hear Minecraft background music here.


Perfect for dealing with hostile farmhouses...beyond that, who knows. 😏


What's the difference between an mt-lb and a gt-mu?


The editorial on the political circumstances fails to mention that, (1) the original inhabitants were mostly Romanian/Moldovan speakers, (2) most of the Russian speakers in the area are relatively recent immigrants, or their children, brought in to build and run a hydroelectric scheme and related industries in the last decades of the USSR, (3) that the Soviet 14th Army prevented the Moldovan government taking administrative control of "Transnistria" on the disintegation of the USSR, (4) that Russia has repeatedly agreed to withdraw its remaining troops but has never done so. They are still there today. This is a forgotten aspect of Russia's threatening intentions towards its neighbours and foreshadowed its invasions of Georgia and Ukraine and its current war threats. Transnistria, Lugansk, Donetsk and Abkhazia only exist outside the control of their central governments because of the illegal presence of Russian troops on their soil.


Tractor with some metal welded on. Pathetic vehicle from a pathetic Russian puppet.
