John MacArthur - God Judges the Suppression of Truth - Christian Response Forum - #shorts

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At the Christian Response Forum & Network we believe that

- We are all imperfect in our interpretation of God's special revelation.
- God alone knows the Absolute Truth and is our ultimate judge.
within the Body of Christ we ought to encourage healthy agreement, disagreement and debate, without fighting and persecuting each other for our beliefs
- We ought to constantly support each other to search for the reality and absolute truth through God's general and special revelation.

The views in this clip do not represent those of the Christian Response Forum & Network as a whole.

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Truth! This nation has been moving farther from God and we are swirling down the drain.


Hello there, ..i am here to tell you that Jesus Is Real and he Saved me, i encourage you to pray to him and ask him for strength, mental clarity, peace, guidance and most importantly for him to forgive you of your sins and to help you turn from sin for the kingdom of God is at hand, Look up Romans 10:9, acts 2:38


Calling your book the truth doesn't make it so. Its filled with untruths from cover to cover. Real truth is earned through blood, sweat, tears, and science. Not given in a vague way to a small group of people with the hope it one day spreads.
