Wisdom in Times of Crisis

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Join us for talks, interviews, music, poetry, and integration practices
40+ leading visionaries, spiritual teachers, therapists, and scientists

In spiritual traditions, a crisis is seen as an opportunity to experience more of reality and of ourselves, to live more truthfully, to wake up and see the world with fresh eyes. What is the wisdom that shines through the cracks of this crisis?

At this online event, we will create a safe space where we can meet beyond right and wrong, challenge old beliefs and step into new ways of being. We will reflect and integrate the learning gained through this global crisis and apply the wisdom we hold in our hearts.
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I am preparing a lecture on my experience of non duality and meditation too. I have been feeling guilty that I have not shared it yet because of other priorities in life. Good luck to all.


Nice video, thanks! My favorite part: "paradox is the domain of the mystical". I like to say "dive into paradox", seems to have some important things to show us.


Unfortunately it's an event so many us can't afford
