Introduction to PPP

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PPP stands for Precise Point Positioning. This is a technique that allows calculating the coordinates of a stand-alone GPS receiver or station, without the need of auxiliary data from reference or base stations. PPP is based on the usage of precise satellite orbit and clock solutions from IGS (the International GNSS Service) and processing dual-frequency code and carrier measurements using the most detailed corrections and geophysical models. PPP calculates the antenna coordinates, and also the receiver clock and the zenith tropospheric delay, together with the phase ambiguities. PPP coordinate error after one day of rinex data processing is of the order of only one centimeter. Using one hour of data one can obtain typical errors between 5 and 10 cm, and better if GLONASS data is used together with GPS. The coordinates and clock estimated by PPP are given in a global and recognized reference system thanks to the usage of high-quality products from IGS. PPP can be used in near real time since ultra rapid satellite orbits and clocks are available on the magicGNSS server.
Рекомендации по теме

I'm looking for ppp solution in python


do anyone know to get the OTL and IONEX data??


The music is realy annoying. The speaker has horrible  diction. To whom this footage is intended?