AMEU/SAIEE Webinars: Session 3 - Stephane Barbeau

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Tuesday, 16 AUGUST 2022, 11H00 – 14H30 NOON (SA TIME) SESSION 3: Evolving business models for a sustainable SA municipality Dx Electricity Utility Emerging business structures to address the challenges in the distribution sector in South Africa.

Presenters/Panel Members
* At Van Der Merwe (Lead Session Coordinator)
* Dr Les Rencontre
* Leshan Moodliar
* Dr Silas Mulaudzi
*Tom Nndwamato Mutshidza

International Presenters on case Studies:
• Hamilton Locke Australia - Lessons learnt from the different business models in Australia
• Ricardo Energy UK- The journey of the UK. The journey from Electricity Area Boards to customer choice. Reference to other Jurisdictions
• CPCS Canada - Different business models in different jurisdictions- “not one shoe fits all”
• Eskom Dx South Africa - A view of future Dx business models for SA
Learning Objectives In this session the participants will be introduced to selected business models and the current structures (high level).

Emphasis will be placed on the bundled/unbundled nature of structures and how these traditional structures are in change. As explained in the first session of this webinar series (Part1) there is clear rationale why these structures are becoming less appropriate and, in some cases, even outdated with emerging technologies and disrupters in a Just Energy Transition (Part 2) This session will seek to analyse and review selected solutions and suggest alternatives for the quo vadis of electricity supplies in the Distribution sector in SA. The analysis will deal with the typical generic value chain of distribution supply, monopolistic vs competitive business structures and ownership structures. Alternatives such as management contracts, concessions, service delivery models and others will be reference and why some of these structures are not
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