Meet The DUMBEST YouTuber EVER

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Braindead youtubers are taking over youtube. the dumb content is ruining all of the kids on youtube. Lets stop them

0:00 The start of something special :)
1:03 Sponsor
2:17 1st DUMB YouTuber
5:23 2nd DUMB YouTuber
9:12 The WORST YouTuber EVER

Luv u guys
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Hearing: 'Yo, Wassup' Again Makes Me Just Feel Like I'm In Heaven.


6:56 the three buttons I press are pause, dislike, and do not recommend


I haven’t seen one of your vids in like 2 years. Forgot how good they are. Can’t wait to watch more.


i swear Dj doesnt deserve hate at all, he fr tryna make yt a better place, keep up the good work brother!


Thank you DJ, For sacrificing you brain cells to expose these horrible youtubers, and entertaining us, hope your doing great👍


Hey, Dj Cook. There's this youtuber by the name of Bella the Wolf. If I'm not wrong, she has an insta and a tiktok too. So she makes videos of her art, she's a gacha tuber (you know it's gonna be bad) and she makes fun of religions. For example, one of her vids on tiktok/insta said something about "Bellathewolf" bekng better than both Jesus and Allah. She's making fun of religion. One of her vids was a slideshow. The first two slides had a picture of a nerd pointing his finger up and saying "I am a Muslim/Christian, how did you know?", implying that christians and muslims are nerdy, but the final slide shows a so called "chad", saying "I support Bellathewolf, how did you know?", implying that people that support her are "chads". I'm sure you know who Tyrecordslol is. He makes minecraft shorts on youtube. Bellathewolf was making fun of his viewers, so he exposed her. He made a video talking about Bellathewolf. But that's not it. Bella made a video on youtube made in Gacha where the OC, Bellathewolf shoots a bullet at a soldier's head. This means she's mocking soldiers and the military. Please, Cook, expose her.

Edit: She has a discord, too. I think it's in her about page..?


Some of those videos remind me of the videos like "avoid saying the same thing as me" type of videos with characters like Peter Griffin and SpongeBob where the videos say things like "Name a country that starts with C" and people name a country that starts with C, lets say you say Canada and if the character says Canada you lose but if they say Colombia you can move on to the next round. On paper they seem fine and some are but people have turned a lot of the questions into things like "Go to comments and choose a emoji but don't pick the same one as me!" or "Impossible challenge! Comment the word SpongeBob with your eyes closed!" Also those videos say things like "Like the video for a free revive!" also the use of the cartoon characters tricks kids into liking and commenting, its really annoying and disgusting.

Another type of videos that are similar are videos with an emoji and saying "double tap to make the emoji disappear!" literally tricking people into liking to satisfy their tiny egos.

Thank you DJ for exposing these terrible YouTubers! I feel bad for all of the brain cells you have lost and suffering you must have endured watching these guys.


6:26 I would have pressed the “search history deleted, close YouTube, and report, ” buttons


The thing I love about DJ Cook’s videos is that no matter how long I stop watching his content for, I’ll always come back to super quality videos. Whether it be 4 days, 4 weeks or 4 months of even watching.
Keep it up


9:31 the name, your version and the original, fits perfectly with his content


That dude really went: "Yeah, surely everyone's gonna like this!"


First started watching you in 2020, glad to see you’re still uploading bangers !


i hope that YouTube will add the report for "Manipulating Kids to Like And Subscribe"


9:58 Here in Brazil lots of THOUSANDS of people uses God to have subs, likes and comments, and the majority says "If you ignore you love and support Devil" I even saw a video that said: "Are you seeing this monster? Who would you save? Like Mr Beast.. God subscribe. Friends Share. Family do everything". (MÃE TÔ NA TV(TROLEI))


bro "evilass" is crazzyy 💀

Btw DJ I really love watching your videos literally everyday, I even have your notifications on on both channels, keep up with the good videos bro 🔥💯


9:32 "this guy name is evilass*the s gose away* oh um I'm sorry it's evilAsh" got me rolling on floor💀


DJ COOK! THERE IS A YOUTTUBER COPYING YOU! The youtubers name is Breone AND in one of his video the title was: "DJ cook: worlds biggest liar on youtube"! THIS IS REAL.


Hey DJ I hope your doing well right now, there are so many bad youtubers out there like I don't even understand what is on their minds but I hope you and maybe even other good youtubers can clean youtube and expose these bad youtubers.


6:37 the three buttons I'm clicking are dislike the three dots and report


Please expose UTTP. I have seen way too much of their commentsection ruining. Who agrees?
