5 Misconceptions about being an Orthodox Christian

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Can you be an Orthodox Christian and like fashion? Or dislike Greek chant? Or Russian headscarves? Do you have to only listen to chant music and constantly wear a 300 knot prayer rope around your hand?

There are a lot of misconceptions about what "being Orthodox" means—especially online. What it actually means might surprise you. Also, I'm pretty sure this is more than 5… and it's not exhaustive.

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I believe anyone who steps into an Orthodox Church will feel at home spiritually.


True, you don't have to be overly militant about your faith. But you DO need to adhere to the fundamental doctrines and canons of the church. Unfortunately in America, there is a large sect of highly liberal evangelicals and mainline protestants who seem to lose faith in their denominations and end up in the Orthodox Church.
American neo liberalism has NO place in holy Orthodoxy. The Holy Orthodox Faith has remained true for 2, 000 years. If you can't live with what the chuch has always taught, then pray for repentance and guidance from God.


My wife and kids now are coming with me to liturgy after 3 visits, on my early stages of my walk into Orthodox. This channel is a great source.


Can I be Orthodox and like pineapple on pizza?

No. You can't. Anathema.


Your points about music, both Orthodox and non-Orthodox, were solid. I love good Valaam, Byzantine, and Georgian chant. I'm also a fan of bluegrass, folk, blues, maybe some jazz, etc. Music is a conversation. There's a time and place for spiritual conversation, and a time to shoot the breeze. Also, Orthodox chant as background *is* degradation, as you pointed out.

The ending was fun, too. Personalities help make up who we are. If we stifle it to live up to someone else's ideal, we might be burying the gifts and uniqueness that God gave us to bless the world.


As a convert to EO who has gone down the rabbit hole… thank you SO MUChH for this! A moderate and healthy view of faith. Thank you


I was a Russophile before being orthodox then I found out holy moly orthodoxy is the truth now I happen to just admire Russian culture and happen to be orthodox.


Jesus went to a wedding that had music playing with wine flowing freely …. No rule came into force against listening to music …..


I'm not even Greek or Slavic in any way, yet I attend a Greek Orthodox church. We're all alike in God's mind. Any of us can follow His truth! God bless you for making these vides, as you are supporting Christ above all. Love you!


As Orthodox Christian from Georgia (EU) much respect for pointing out many great points, there is no Greek Orthodox or Russian there is Orthodox Christianity which includes many countries Including USA who I love and respect who had great Saints as other countries did Russia Greece Georgia Romania Serbia, we are all under same love of Christ which matters the most!


Im looking to convert myself. The hardest part to understand for me is going to be everything because I was born into and raised as a Jehvoahs Witness. Been without a religion for 12 years after leaving the JWs and something about Orthodox Christianity is calling out to me.

Update: I'm now a Catechumen.


Finally.. someone with a healthy view of the faith. Thank you for bringing the focus of this all to what is truly important: CHRIST! It is so easy to get caught up on the external parts of the faith where we lose focus on what truly is important.


As an Orthodox Christian mother
/wife with one child who has worked outside the home, thank you.


I dont know about fundamentalism.
The monastery i usually like going to has a old monk who is honestly on his way to sainthood if people are to be believed.
He has no hair on his tongue.
He preaches militancy of the faith and is absolutely stern towards heresies.
Hell he nearly broke off a wedding i was a godfather in because i have a catholic name and he had to check me if i am Orthodox and not a papal heretic as a papist cant be a godfather to a Christian marriage.

Honestly i love that man.


So I dont need to wear russian hats to be orthodox?

But seriously thanks as someone who is just joining the church it can be hard to find the line between religion and culture


Had fun producing this like old school YouTube


I am an Orthodox Christian from Cyprus and I agree with all of your points, especially the one about science, even people from Cyprus get that one wrong and its a predominately Orthodox country.


Meeting with a Priest this week to learn more about Orthodoxy. Wish me luck!


I’m thinking of converting but I’ve seen a lot of bold claims coming from within the Orthodox Church that’s kind of slowing me down from joining them. Such as, non orthodox people are heretics and aren’t truly “saved”. I just can’t see how all these people who love Jesus and strive to be holy aren’t saved simply for “not being part of the Orthodox Church”. This bugs me because I’ve seen the love of Jesus inside non orthodox people.


These topics are very dangerous. Balance is always the best, we should not be fundamentalists, neither Orthodox Just in name. You can listen to secular music, but you should not listen to something that sugests fornication, for example. A thing many people Said to me, is that when start to dwell into the Faith and learn and experience more of It, some things just simply stop being interesting and you start to naturally prefer more edyfing things
