Experiencing architecture through the senses

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In this video, we talk about architecture that is experienced not only visually, but with our senses, or what we call, "sensing architecture".

Today, we are constantly bombarded with information that is designed to please the eye and to deliver maximum impact within a short amount of time. When we become immersed into this colorful information, our other haptic senses of experiencing the world become desensitized.

This doesn't only impact our perception and our psychology, but it also has an indirect impact on our our built environment and the way that we experience space.

In an interview with The New York Times, Zumthor once explained his process: "When I start, my first idea for a building is with the material. I believe architecture is about that. It's not about paper, it's not about forms. It's about space and material.” I'd seen so many of his buildings in photographs and in books, but never in person.

In the summer of 2016, I went on a trip to Europe with my classmates, and we visited the Saint Benedict Chapel by Peter Zumthor, a small, inconspicuous church on top of a hill.

I realized that none of the photos did it justice, because what I realized is that his architecture is all about the sensory experience.



I'm Dami, a licensed Architect living in Vancouver, BC. I make videos about architecture, career, and creativity.

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Have you ever felt "experiential impoverishment"?


I'm in my first semestre of architecture school and we just visited the St. Anton's Church in Basel, Swiss. The professors wanted us to experience the building with all our senses and I loved it. We were all so quiet in the church and the light reflected beautifully onto the rough concrete walls. Architecture is so much better in real life than on photos!


I really love the way you describe the world around you. It’s amazing how we all experience it differently, even though we’re all in the same boat. Our perceptions can create completely different worlds, even when we’re looking at the same thing. Thank you so much for sharing your unique perspective—it really adds something special!


I am a Software Engineer and I do not understand much about architecture. The way you explained your idea of sensing the architecture was very beautiful and meaningful. It really helped to realize that there is much more to out there, than our retina can really absorb. Thanks a lot for sharing these videos, @Dami.


This was my favourite moment from our trip, I’m so glad you made a video about it!


Recently I started working in a building by Zumthor. Before that I have never seen people getting high from architecture. Some of our guests need some minutes after they left the building to return to normal. Zumthor truly is an amazing artist.


As coordinator for construction, buildings have recently felt like to me a dead&hollow object or space to sell (probably cause i worked on commercialized buildings/residential) but wow... that quote about how "the door handle is the handshake of the building" really re-invigerated in me emtionally to see buildings being an entity of itself to be interacted with and experienced, much like a person. Almost enough for me to be untraumatized from my experience sorting out the door schedules. In summary I really enjoyed this video. Thanks!


"The door handle is the handsake of the building." Damn..


Just discovered and am enjoying your channel. My view on space, memories and place is that what we are really recording is our route through spacetime. We do not traverse space. We do not traverse time. We traverse spacetime. We always do both simultaneously. The two dimensions of location are inseparable. since we live in spacetime, our brains and senses have evolved to help up navigate and make sense of it.


Your last sentence describing your sensory experiences gave me chills. Beautiful!


Years ago when in college, in the "Senses" module of my intro to Psychology class, I remember reading a chapter dedicated to one famous mnemonist. When he asked about how he remembered so much, he explained that he would close his eyes and create spaces within a house or building. He would fill a room with something he wanted to remember, then go into another imagined room and do the same, and so forth.

This video, you mentioning the brain research linking physical space with memory... it brings so much sense to this mnemonic strategy. Very interesting topic, thank you for bringing it up and relating it to arquitecture.


I felt this moment when I saw the Temple of Heaven, it was alos the perfect day when we saw it. It was a clear sunny day which helped in viewing the building. I can remember my jaw dropping when I saw the building for the first time, it was so surreal.


brilliant! Now, I understand why I have such strong memories of certain structures! and why I miss those moment so much!


I'm so in love with your thanks for sharing everything you're sharing!!


I just found your channel, and as a senior architecture student, I can say that you made me re-love architecture. Thank you for that.


Thank you for the video, im architecture+c.eng. student and I’m in 3rd year(6yr studying in eu), and I didnt really find myself in any field yet, I feel like im more of a problem solver than creator, but this inspires me for architecture, I just love churches and castles. God bless you


Loved this!
My experience with experiencing a space through senses was when I visited this little village located in Nagaland called 'Kohonoma'. The architectural space I talk about is a simple residential house locally designed, crafted as well as constructed but the experience etched in my mind is of the softness of the material palette, the sounds of the valley channeling into the house through wind, the graveled pathways leading to the house and the stone stairs leading to the lower floors (typology of houses there included a lower floor below main roadways).

This video helped me see the link between my memory with the architectural experience (through senses).
Thanks a lot! <3


This is why I subscribed to your channel. Thank you for sharing all this wisdom and knowledge for free


I wish I knew architects who could express what you are saying. There's so much more to it that draws me to experience buildings but most is what has been presented is about aesthetics, function or some dreamy self-indulgent "creativity" which says nothing of a communal experiential language.


Thanks, I'll never experience architecture the same way again.
