I'm an Atheist Activist in the Closet

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I’m an Atheist Activist in the Closet

I’m sure a lot of you don’t realize that I’m in the closet as an atheist. I haven’t come out in my personal life like I have here. In real life, you’ll never catch me poking fun at apologists, talking about the bible and homosexuality, and the like. Most people think I’m still a Christian.

I hope sharing my experience will help others who are in the closet feel like they’re not alone and they’re not crazy. We’re in this together, and we can all push through if we look out for each other.

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Are you an atheist in the closet too? Have you ever been? I’d love to hear about your experiences.
Thanks as always for your support, everyone. I ❤ you guys.


We're with you, Drew. I came out of the atheist closet in steps. A lot of my friends still don't know I'm an atheist, but I don't really care to or feel the need to tell them, but the level of religiosity in the Southern US is insane.


As an European (Netherlands) seeing this kind of extreme pressure/weight on religion/Christianity in America is so ironic. For a country that gets fully erect on "freedom" this kind of stuff always fascinates me.

In any case, nice video. I'm sure it took some guts to make a video like this in your situation :)


I understand every word of this... and my heart breaks. I was "outed" against my will, so I often wonder what I'd have done. We're here for you always for anything you need, my friend.


No matter what you decide to do, you always have people you can talk to. If you ever need an ear, I hope you know that I'll always listen if I'm able.

Sorry you have to go through this.


I'm as well an agnostic-atheist in the closet but it's only because I fear for my life as atheism by any means is unaccepted here in Egypt as well as criminalised along with the fact that if my parents knew they would flat out kill me before I get put behind bars and that just because I don't believe smh


This simultaneously breaks my heart and fills me with pride. I've always had reverence for the manner with which you conduct yourself. You know you have friends whenever you need them. 💜


Dude, I feel for you. I'm a 15 year old, atheist, transgender girl with religious parents. I literally feel like I want to kill myself every single day. It's depressing as fuck. I can't imagine how my parents would feel if I came out. I'm sure your parents were unhappy when you told them. Thank you for making excellent videos and I wish you luck good sir :)


Wow....i never thought it was this bad..even in the US


Damn, this video hit me hard. Nobody in my entire Christian family knows I'm "in the closet". It would cause huge issues so I'm avoidant in the same way that you are. I can barely talk to any member of my (huge) family without feeling like I'm walking through a minefield. Every single member of my family is a proud Christian.
It's tragic how a situation like this can become so easily blown out of proportion. I'm here for you.


I live in Brasil, which is an interesting place when it comes to religion. There are a lot of mix with the African, European and natives beliefs, so most people are used to the ideia of believing in different religions. However pretty much EVERYONE believes in something, so when I say I am an atheist they get pretty disturbed, saying “but you don’t believe in anything? Not even a higher force?” Which is usually what non religious here usually believe. It is quite annoying, but they usually don’t bother me for long after I explain.


"I actually lead unsuspecting Christians in prayer... they have no clue." Mu ha ha ha ha!


I am fortunate to live in a place where I never had to lie about my beliefs or lack of. I never realised how bad it could be for you personally and I now admire you even more for the risks you may take in helping others determine what they believe and why they believe it. Thanks GM.


My college is a Catholic University, so it's very difficult being open about my athiesm. I'll bring it up in small groups, but it still is something I try to keep to myself in fear of losing friends. Videos like these give me an outlet to have meaningful discussions about the impacts of religion outside of what I hear in classrooms where everyone is a believer. Thanks for the great videos!


I remember how my ex (while we were together), upon me letting her know I didn’t believe anymore bombarded me with pro-Christian videos again, and again, it was a damn pain, I started to feel more like a conversion project than a relationship partner. eventually it got to the point where it was getting very heated over this contention and I ended up braking up the relationship

(Edit) I still haven’t told my extended family I’m atheist and I only formally stated my beliefs to my parents recently (to their contention I might add), my family comes from a very religious South African Protestant background so I don’t even want to know what kind of fallout that would bring.


I agree with others like the Atheist Experience who say only come out when an indivudual is ready and if it is emotional and financially safe.

I personally am not out to most people. My boss knows because she is an atheist, but we dont talk at work because all our coworkers appear and act religious. Im currently figureing out how to start the conversation with my sister. But i may never tell my father because he would feel personal like a failure and make me a project.

And I thank you for you courage. It does help, and I hope that your relatives do eventual understand if they find out.


Wife?? [sad trombone; clip of boat slowly sinking]


I'm an atheist who about a year ago was a serious Christian Music Minister writing and recording songs...and "blessing lives"....i became an atheist after having looked at the evidence and sadly almost everything didnt add up....its quite difficult for me because i have to live two separate lives....many times I feel choked because everyone around me is accustomed to me being a Minister and I have yo keep the facade because my coming out may have more negative consequences than I intend for it to have.... Nigeria is an extremely religious country and atheism is looked on as the work of demons messing with human minds....
Thanks for this video...i would be starting a blog soon called the diary of a Nigerian Atheist...in the hope that many others like me can realise that it's okay to be atheist.


I didn't realize how lucky I am! I had religious parents but my mother always said that we could make up our own minds about religion. When I was 10 I was riding home from church with my dad and my brothers. And I said to my dad "I don't believe in God" and after a couple moments of hushed silence my dad said "That's a decision that every man has to make" and he mussed my hair


I am seventeen and an atheist. If anyone asks me, I say I am an atheist, because I don’t want to lie, and I’m not in a situation where it would directly hurt me. However, I find myself surrounded by peers and friends who are very passionate Christians. At my school, youth group is one of the biggest functions people from my school go to, and I have been asked countless times to go with them. Though I want to confidently say to them. “Sorry, I’m an atheist, ” I know that it would offend them if not upset them. I find myself saying, “ oh thats just not my thing, ” or something like that, which of course, doesn’t satisfy them as an answer, so I end up trying my best to change the subject as fast as I can. Though I’m sure most people I know well enough know that I’m an atheist just from listening to me debate during my classes, its still very difficult to confidently say it to someone who I know is very religious.
