Was Ahaziah 22 or 42 ? Bible Contradictions REFUTED 2 Kings 8:26 | Sam Shamoun & God Logic

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Sam Shamoun / Shamounian / Halal Hogan & God Logic answer a christians answer on bible contradictions muslims bring up in order to claim that the bible has been changed and todays video is specifically addressing 2 Kings 8:26 and the parallel verse of 2 Chronicles 22:2 where it says

Two and twenty years old was Ahaziah when he began to reign; and he reigned one year in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Athaliah, the daughter of Omri king of Israel.

and other says

Forty and two years old was Ahaziah when he began to reign, and he reigned one year in Jerusalem. His mother's name also was Athaliah the daughter of Omri.

specifically these are the kjv versions muslim only love to bring and not the rest , video explains this is a copyist error on the hebrew manuscript and that this actually proves christians do not update their bible or change it if they kept the mistakes in the manuscripts because they feared changing the word of God

when we look at all other manuscripts we see it’s 22 and 22 in both verses , even looking at the side by side comparison 22 and 42 it’s obvious the 4 meant to be a 2 because it’s just a scribal error passed down fearing changing the word of God . Muslims cannot use this argument especially when it’s that closely able to be investigated for the answer it’s not a huge number like 76 and 54 .

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0:00 Christian asks was Ahaziah 22 or 42 years old
0:26 Explanation on the verses/ Answer (22 years old)
1:48 How it proves Christians don’t change/update the bible

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0:00 Christian asks was Ahaziah 22 or 42 years old
0:26 Explanation on the verses/ Answer (22 years old)
1:48 How it proves Christians don’t change/update the bible

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God bless Brother Sam Shamoun the soldier of Jesus Christ


why are you guys trolling, it's not a mistake in the KJV Ahazaiah was both 22 AND 42,

In a Kingship when the king is incapacitated or he is dying he requires a co regent in order to keep the government running, the clear biblical cases of this are uzziah and jotham 2 kings 15:5 and David and solomon 1 kings 1:47; 2 chronicles 21:5, Jehoram takes the throne at 32, and reigns for 8 years, perishes at 40( 2 chronicles 21:20); God smites the king with a bowl disease that was incurable which demands that the king needed a co regent, so ahazaiah comes in at 22 years old, and reigns for a year at jerusalem; 1 chronicles 21:16-17 establishes that god in his judgement cast down the king and they invade the land and force the jews to submit which means that the jews were in captivity. 2nd chronicles 22:1 shows us that the family of ahazaiah were all killed by the invaders, which means as the only remaining son to inherit the throne, he had to take it, and so he did at 42 years old and reigned and followed the wickedness of his predecessors( 2nd chronicles 22:1-2) It's very clear in the scripture that god would let the enemies have their way with his people until they got right with him( read literally any part of judges), so during philistine captivity, the invaders killed the elders, and reigned over jerusalem, until the jews prevailed, and needed a king, but the only one left was ahazaiah. IF you believe the bible has mistakes and try to correct it you're calling god a liar just read the KJB for what it says


guys you can use context from verse 1 to destroy muslim skeptics on this so called contradiction to destroy all attempts of deceit on our faith. See here: (save this)

first lets establish that the father of Ahaziah is JEHORAM.

2 Chronicles 22:1

And the inhabitants of Jerusalem made Ahaziah, his youngest son, king in his place, for the band of men that came with the Arabians to the camp had killed all the older sons. So Ahaziah the son of Jehoram king of Judah reigned.

Now that we’ve established this, we can move on to the PREVIOUS CHAPTER for context.

2 Chronicles 21:5

5 Jehoram was thirty-two years old when he became king, and he reigned eight years in Jerusalem.


2 Kings 8:16-17

16 In the fifth year of Joram the son of Ahab, king of Israel, when Jehoshaphat was king of Judah, Jehoram the son of Jehoshaphat, king of Judah, began to reign. 17 He was thirty-two years old when he became king, and he reigned eight years in Jerusalem.

The reason for Jehoram reigning for 8 years is because he died in his 8th year of reign, meaning he died at 40 YEARS OLD.

Now let's put 2 Chronicles 22:2 into perspective.

2 Chronicles 22:2

2 Ahaziah was twenty-two years old when he began to reign, and he reigned one year in Jerusalem. His mother's name was Athaliah, the granddaughter of Omri.

How could Ahaziah POSSIBLY be 42 years old AT THE TIME OF HIS REIGN if HIS FATHER only lived till 40 YEARS OLD. It doesn’t add up. This reinforces the point: the 22 and 42 mixup simply is a copyist error as sam explained.


There had to be two one was wounded and died in Megiddo(2 Kings 9:27) The other was found and executed in Samaria(2 chron 22:9) From what i can gather it was the same war which is why the narrative of the two are similar. In the KJV and only in the KJV the word 'also' confirms there was two. and they both had a mother of the same name and both were daughters of Omri. This is not uncommon to do today fathers even name their sons the same as themselves. They also had similar customs. Possibly he was named after his fallen brother.


I prefer the answer that the 42 number is the number of Ahaziah's family's dynasty up to the point of when he hecame king. Their years of rule add up to 42 by that point.

And the Hebrew in the 42 passage is unusual and would be an odd way of saying he was 42 years old when he became king. I believe it says something like he was "the son of 42 years."

This seems to me to fit better with the view that his family's dynasty, starting with Omri, adds up to 42 years of ruling at the time of Ahaziah's enthronement.

So the two passages are talking about different periods of time. And this way we dont have to appeal to a copyist mistake, because Muslims love to run with those.


This proves the perservation of the Bible, because you have thousands of manuscripts in different languages that show the original text. The question is towards other religions who have few manuscripts with variations and no or few variation in language. Such as the Quran, the Topkapi Quran is not the same as the Hafs Quran.

Also remember that in this case with the copyist error, the copyists werent innerant like prophets. (Thats what I think).


But godlogic said that ahaziah was kidnapped at 22 and released at 42. And that he does not agree with the explaination saying it was a scribal error? Why did godlogic suddently change his meaning from when he debated uthman? Please answer


So GodLogic was wrong when he said he ruled twice


Godlogic said he ruled 2 times, 1 in 22 and another in 42, is sam agreeing or disagreeing?


But some Bibles have the same number, 22


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