tek it (speed up) - CAFUNE | lyrics terjemahan (i watch the moon)

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tek it - cafune


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#tekit #lyricsterjemahan
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"So long nice to meet you i'll be moving onn"😭


I have been holding my tears in for the past week, i heard this song again and i just cried my whole soul out. I fucking miss herman man.


this song makes me sad and happy because i met this person and she seemed so familiar like i already knew her even if we just met and she just felt like home
like a sister a bestfriend we spoke the same language we understood each other and we learnt alot from each other and well i guess we were only meant to cross paths…. she lives in the other side of the world and its hard i cant find her on social media
but she always runs through my mind

i feel like ive known her from a past life

that time that i was able to talk to her
i felt heard, i felt comfy, i felt genuine love……

if she ever sees this comment
i hope she is happy

i just wish i was a part of her life


This song honestly makes me so sad. Knowing the fact that she wanted someone other than me just hurts, and the fact that they're happy and together now. I want her to be happy, but i also want her to be mine. Whats wrong with me? What did she like about him? Did i treat her that bad to the point she replaced me? Am i that ugly? What does he have that i dont? We were such a cutie together, everyday when i was with you i had so much fun, i laughed everyday i felt like that was it. I thought it was it, i thought i finally found my forever, i tried to understand you more than how i tried to understand everyone, we had so much memories, we had so much fun, it was all great. Was your laugh and smiles fake? I loved it so much, i stand there staring at your smile or while you laugh. Everytime i see you smile or laugh i do too. I met my happiest person and saddest this year. Now you're having fun with someone else. It burns my heart everytime i see your story on facebook. It hurts, i just wanted to be loved all along, you made me feel that but why did you stop? Did i miss something? Did he give you something that i didn't? Was my love worse?. I guess i was to obsessed. Someone help me:(. Please love me. Please make me feel special. Please save me from drowning. Please dont care about how i look. Please. Just love me. Someone please. im tired. From the bottom of my heart, i am tired:( someone please. Save me :(
I felt love for the first time. I feel heartbroken. It hurts so much, i wanna die without pain. Save me please. Someone. Love me. Please save me :(
edit: whoever felt this, kings its time to start gonig to the gym or working out. ive solved it. i started going to the gym, im stronger mentally and physically now, although i still remember her sometimes BUT i dont cry anymore. ( i still do but its just like, 3 drops or something) so kings! what are you waiting for!? use this to fuel yourself up, i wish you all best luck.


It makes me sad but i love it in the same time as i always walk in the streets with This music makes me feel a bit happy


Where did you learn what it means to reciprocate?
And how much can I be expected to tolerate? Uh
So I started to think 'bout the plans I made
The debt unpaid
And you just can't call a spade a spade
I watch the moon
Let it run my mood
Can't stop thinking of you
I watch you (now I let it go)
(And I watch as things play out like)
So long nice to know you I'll be moving on
We started off in such a nice place
We were talking the same language
I open and I'm closing
You can't stand the thought
Of a real beating heart
You'd be holding, having trouble
Owning and admit that I am hoping
I watch the moon
Let it run my mood
Can't stop thinking of you
I watch you (now I let it go)
(And I watch as things play out like)
So long nice to know you I'll be moving on
Moving on
You, yeah I always know the truth
But I can't just say it to you
Yeah, I know the truth
I knew
Yeah, I always know the truth
But I can't just say it to you
Yeah, I know the truth
I never thought we'd see it through
I never could rely on you
And few times your face came into view
Into view
I'm not into you
Into you


My best friend laughing and smiling w my crush while they forgot abt me being there beside my best friend, they laugh smile and flirt with each other, all I felt is jealousy. listening to this makes me wnna cry even more<3


The feels of this like moving on from a hard relationship finally after along time, but in the same time feeling pain from all the memories.


This song is always in my head. It makes me calm and I think this is my favorite song of all time.


My best friend died 3 months ago and this song is healing me


This is my favorite song now, the song is so good huh


"It was nice meeting you first friend you made me smile virtually.I'll move on thanks to you-aizren"


Essa era a música do meu primeiro relacionamento, amavamos ela, hoje em dia toda q vez toca eu lembro dela... Q sdds


the moon looks so damn beautiful, so does his smile


This is so good and the song is so good too


i like this song i think i'm gonna happy :)


I love that sing so much, I listen to it when it’s nighttime I’m subscribing right now😊


for some reason this reminds me of my crush and makes me sleep


It made me think of alot of memories of me and him ❤️‍🩹


It's been 2 years since my friend died
Can't stop thinking old memories
