Patrik Pietschmann - MICROCHIP (Piano Version)

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MICROCHIP - Patrik Pietschmann (Piano Version)
Composed by Patrik Pietschmann

With this composition I would like to take a new direction. Because one question that has been on my mind recently is how I manage to lower the level of difficulty of my piano versions and still do justice to the original (be it my own orchestral composition or the music of another composer). If my piano arrangement has a certain complexity, it is only in order to transfer the various musical layers of an existing orchestral composition to the piano while retaining the depth and character of the original piece. However, this has also meant that I have often been quite exhausted in my own recent compositions and have also asked myself who is actually supposed to play it. I'm pretty sure that there are some of you who are very talented and like to cut their teeth on virtuoso piano pieces. But I would like to give even more pianists out there the opportunity to play my compositions on the piano. And it would also be better for me to concentrate even more on the creative and less on the technical part of the music. My solution: instead of making a piano version out of the orchestral version as before, this time I made the piano version first and then the orchestral version out of it.

Although the term "orchestral version" would no longer be entirely appropriate here. This time I immersed myself completely in the world of electronic sounds and wanted to find out which sounds I could create using only a synthesizer. I realized that a synthesizer can take over many of the functions of a traditional orchestra, but it can't replace it completely. The strength of the synthesizer lies in its ability to create completely new sounds. That's why I see the future of music more in the combination of both sound worlds, the electronic and the traditional, in a hybrid solution, so to speak. In a figurative sense, I see a similar role for artificial intelligence in the future, which will expand the abilities and expressive possibilities of humans and not simply replace them.

I found the title "Microchip" appropriate not only in view of my intensive involvement with electronic sounds and synthesizers. Since my youth, I have had a special enthusiasm for computers and the use of technology in music. I am currently following the new applications of artificial intelligence with excitement. The fact that I can share my music with you is mainly thanks to an invention by the American engineer Jack Kilby in 1958: the microchip. Without this invention, the digital world as we know it today would not exist. The fact that there is room for several hundred billion transistors on a microchip and that the material for it is basically just sand makes me realize once again what clever people are capable of.
Рекомендации по теме

Lieber Patrik Pietschmann,

ich möchte Dir von Herzen danken und meine Begeisterung für Deine wunderbare Musik zum Ausdruck bringen. Seit vielen Jahren verfolge ich Deine musikalische Reise aktiv und bin stets aufs Neue von Deiner außergewöhnlichen Begabung inspiriert. Deine Interpretationen und Arrangements sind einfach atemberaubend und haben mich dazu motiviert, selbst zum Klavier zu greifen.

Es ist wirklich bemerkenswert, wie Du es schaffst, jedem Stück Deine ganz persönliche Note zu verleihen. Deine Leidenschaft und Dein Können spiegeln sich in jedem einzelnen Ton wider. Ich liebe es, Deine Stücke zu lernen und spiele tatsächlich fast ausschließlich Deine Arrangements. Deine Musik berührt und inspiriert mich jedes Mal aufs Neue.

Neben meiner Liebe zur Musik habe ich auch eine große Leidenschaft fürs Programmieren. In beiden Bereichen finde ich immer wieder Inspiration und Herausforderung, und es ist faszinierend zu sehen, wie Kunst und Technik sich gegenseitig ergänzen können.

Nochmals vielen Dank für Deine unglaubliche Musik und die Inspiration, die Du uns allen gibst. Ich freue mich auf viele weitere großartige Stücke von Dir.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Ben


I've been playing the piano since i was 5 years old, I'm 14 now. I sometimes I think about giving up because of the school, but watching pianist such as Patrik and Russeau gives me strength to keep going


haben wahrscheinlich schon begabte Pianisten gehört, aber 'unmögliche Pianisten' sind etwas ganz anderes. Sie besitzen eine unheimliche Mischung aus rohem Talent und tiefer emotionaler Verbindung. Du bist dieser unmögliche Pianist. Mach weiter.


If you're wonder 'who is this for' and 'is this too hard', I just wanted to say...your pieces inspired me to keep pushing my piano skills. I'm never going to be a professional musician, but I almost dropped piano in the last few years. Didn't think I was going to do anything with it and didn't have any reason to keep practicing. But then I found your channel, and yeah, your arrangements were way too difficult for me, but they gave me something to keep pushing for and keep playing piano for.

Now that you inspired me to keep practicing, I've been able to play some of your arrangements. So, I guess, even if there aren't many people who can do it right away, you show people what piano can be and give people something to strive for.


What an incredible feeling it must be to create one of the most beautiful sounds that the human ear can possibly perceive, and to know that only a handful of people on earth can actually play it. I feel bad for the of people who have ever lived on earth who will never hear Patrik's music. I think that if humans heard his music thousands of years ago, it would have changed the course of history.


There's no epic version of this song.... this IS the epic version


If anyone was to ask me who the best composers are from our lifetime, I would say Hanz, Ludovico, and Patrik!

I'm not a professional pianist by any means, but playing has been a lifetime passion and I'm completely self-taught. I love many composers, but I started learning to play ludovico at the beginning, primarily from the love of his music, but to also improve my skills.

I've been listening to your covers Patrik for the best part of a decade, sometimes ON REPEAT each day. They are truly amazing and prove your talents! I've wished for a long time to be able to play some of them one day.

You've been a big inspriation of mine for a long time, and as I get better, thanks to your videos, I've finally been able to move to Zimmer and learn Gladiator and Interstellar. I'm now currently learning dune!

You bring a lot joy to my daily life, so I would like to send my gratitude and thank you. You've had a huge impact on both my passion for the instrument and progression.

Your own compositions are truly out of this world, nothing else compares. You are one of the greats!

Please come tour in the UK!!!


Hallo Guten Tag Patrik Pietschmann,

I love to listen to your compositions everyday! You are the best ever!
You inspired me to follow my dreams, and not give up

I have learned and played your compositions on a real concert.
I will manage my time with learning, exam and learning your compositions by myself, to play them on public
Big fan, I am a kid from Thailand, "Wynn"

Thank you!


Dear Patrik,
Your compositions get better every time. Every one feels connected to the previous one, like chapters of a story. This one seems like a hopeful redemption to the Dystopia Piece. Great Work, and it's lovely to see you dishing out such great compositions.


Absolutely breathtaking, elevated my mood, thank you for that


Patrick, this is my first youtube comment ever, i don’t care if you even notice it.
But I play piano a lot too, I even write my own piece (not that complicated and beautiful though) and I am also a humongous fan of Hans Zimmer, Ludovico Einaudi… and not any songs have ever produced such emotions through me, such clarity and perceptive of life.

Thank you for sharing your work, thank you for this creation.

You are absolutely amazing.


1:44 this part onward touched my soul ! What a beautiful arrangement


Bei 2:57 ist ein meiner Lieblingsparts. Wie sich der Rhythmus sich langsam immer wieder verändert, hat etwas sehr unangenehmes an sich, dass aber sehr gut in das gesamte Stück reinpasst. Nachdem ich es endlich mir mal anschauen konnte, bin ich wieder einmal Fan von deiner Komposition geworden. Die Synth-Version muss ich mir auch unbedingt anschauen, denn deine Alternativversionen sind immer Wahnsinn und der Teaser hat mich irgendwie an Oppenheimer erinnert. Mach weiter so!


It's moments like these that makes me so glad that music exists in our lives.


Hey Patrik,

die Entwicklung, die du in den letzten eineinhalb Jahren gemacht hast, ist wirklich toll mit anzusehen! Deine Orchester- und Synthversionen klingen mittlerweile ziemlich reif. Viele Musiker, die ähnliches wie du machen, schaffen es in meinen Ohren oft nicht, sich von einem abzuheben, bedeutet dass vielem einfach die Tiefe und Authentizität fehlt, um im Kopf Bilder zu kreieren, die ganzen Sci-Fi-Storys nahekommen. Gerade die Stelle ab 3:10 hat mich an den Abspann einer epischen Folge von Fantasy-Serien erinnert. Dass zu deiner Musik solche Bilder im Kopf entstehen, ist vielleicht der entscheidende Indikator dafür, dass du nun auch das Zeug dazu hast, deiner Musik die Bühne zu geben, die sie vielleicht verdient hat. 😊 Der Schaltkreis-Hintergrund ist perfekt! Tolles Video, Patrik!


And he's done it again.... The chords in this one are absolutely beautiful, thank you!!

I know this is kind of an unsolicited story, but your arrangement of Victory was the first youtube video I ever watched, and the reason I picked up piano that day three years ago. To this day you are my favourite artist by far and the reason I continue to play. I'm heading into sophomore year in a few weeks, and taking the SAT in even less than that, and in the midst of trying to finish everything I let go of piano for a while... watching this made me run back and try out a few chords from this song. Reminded me why I always used to stay up 30 more minutes to play after turning in an assignment at 3 am.

Thank you so much for the song patrik, and please don't ever stop playing :)


Ich fasse es einfach nicht wie du jedes mal so abliefern kannst! Einfach Wow! Ich freue mich schon sehr auf die noch folgenden Kompositionen von dir!


Hey Patrick
Just wanted to say you're one of the few people I know of who make spectacular piano compositions. Even though I'm not even close to playing any of your pieces, I still believe they aren't "too hard" or targeting a small group of people. While creativity is the biggest thing in music and even the simplest melodies can resurrect deep emotions, I believe high quality music should still have elements of skill and technicality. It's what puts people like you aside, what shows hard work and determination, which is inspiring in its own way. I can't imagine the hours you've put into your piano journey, and hearing them through your pieces is very beautiful. And hey, we're here, getting inspired with the hope and dream to one day be able to recreate your pieces for ourselves. So keep showing off your hard-earned talent and motivate us to work hard!
Nevertheless, I don't think you're physically capable of writing bad music, even if you lower the difficulty, so I'm happy either way!


Patrik you are an inspiration to all of us song writers and pianists, your ways of playing are truly one of a kind. I have followed your channel for years and have inspired me to get better to play your arrangements.


Hey Patrick, I just wanna say that I've been listening to your music for a few years and you just surprise me every time whenever you come up with a new song. Every time you make a new one it has a completely different theme and melody that blows my mind. You're the reason why I tried to start playing piano and showed me that there's always more to music. I look at the music you play note for note or listen to the orchestra version just so I could transcribe it and try playing it. I hope you'll never stop making music and you keep going. From, Dontae
