Computer History: RCA 501 Transistorized Computer 1959 (USAF) Electronic Data Processing, Mag Tape

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Rare Vintage Film shows the RCA Model 501 COMPUTER of 1959 at U.S. Air Force Air Reserve Records Center. The ARRC or Air Reserve Records Center, was located at 3800 York Street, Denver, Colorado. The RCA 501 Computer was a general purpose, mid to large scale computer, used for maintenance of personnel data on USAF reservists, statistical reports, controlling military reserve staff requirements and allocation of skills in the event of mobilization, preparation and control of questionnaires sent to individual reservists and preparation of mailing labels for periodicals, preparation of rosters for personnel assignment control, and determination of those eligible for discharge and preparation of applicable discharge certificates.

This unique vintage film from the 1959 to early 1960's, shows rare footage of the staff using the 501 as the narrator describes its functions and advantages. Full color, runs about 18 mins.

{RCA was the "Radio Corporation of America," an American company in existence from 1919 to 1986. At one time, it was the largest radio communications firm in the United States. RCA also produced the BIZMAC large scale vacuum tube computer, the RCA 301 and RCA 601 computers, and the later "Spectra" line. RCA sold its large computer division to Sperry Rand in 1971, due to competition from IBM.}

The 501 was designed by industrial designer John Vassos, who employed a modular design strategy, framing the computer and its components as a system and not as individual units. This design became highly successful. The 501 used high-speed magnetic-core memory, expandable from 16k to 260k characters. An optional drum memory unit could provide up to 1.5 million characters of storage. Up to 63 magnetic tape units could be installed.

RCA 501 COMPUTER INSTALLATIONS included the following by 1961:

U. S. Naval Propellant Plant, Indian Head, Maryland
Scott Air Force Base, Illinois
Air Reserve Records Center, York Street Denver, Colorado
Ordnance Weapons Command Rock Island, Illinois
Ordnance Ammunition Command Joliet, Illinois
Atlantic City Electric Company, New Jersey, EDPD
New York Electronics System Center, Wall Street New York
Fidelity-Philadelphia Trust Co., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
General Tire and Rubber Company, Akron, Ohio
Raytheon Company Missile Systems Division, Andover, Mass.
RCA Astro Electronics Division, Princeton, New Jersey
RCA Electronic Data Processing Division, Camden, New Jersey
RCA Electronic Systems Ctr, Cherry Hill Plant, Merchantville, N J
RCA Service Company, Camden 8, New Jersey
RCA Service Co. Electronic Data Proc. Sales Dept, Camden, NJ
State Farm Life Insurance Company, Bloomington, Illinois
Bureau of Naval Weapons, Constitution Ave, N W., Wash D. C.
Chase Manhattan Bank, New York, N. Y.
Educational Testing Service, Princeton, New Jersey
---- Source: BRL Report 1961 (courtesy of Ed Thelen)
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The industrial design of the 501 was by John Vassos, who did some beautiful Art Deco design work during his career at RCA. He designed the innovative, ergonomic, color coordinated console for the 501 and the overall modular design of the system.


The computer AI seems pretty advanced, able to speak with a clear and concise voice. Siri and Google can learn from that. 😎
Thanks for the video CHAP.


535k (wow) in the USAF Reserve then, 70.5k now. 840k active duty USAF then, 329k now. Even more impressive since the US population was 173 million then, 340 million now.


I enjoy stories about computers because I like seeing people use them. As a computer user as an end user, I appreciate modern computer technology. Hence, I own a microcomputer, along with a color laser printer and a label printer, and they all make business tasks done conveniently as easily, without becoming mundane, thanks to my keyboarding skills. I wish that Computer History Archives Project is alive and working in this year 2023.


14:17 Doxxing, 1959 style. I see you, Shoemaker, Arthur of 2300 Blain Street, Brunswick GA. 😁


That opening statement regarding 'brain' and 'truthful' and 'only as good as my planners' is possibly very relevant for today, perhaps. I'm looking at you A.I. 😉


I wouldn't be upset if I had a control panel like that for my work computer 😄


Reading at the amazing speed of 33, 000 characters per second! No one will ever need faster than that 🙂


The most inaccurate scenes are the lack of overflowing ashtrays and butt cans and cancer sticks hanging out of people's mouths. Even in the early 19880's my USAF experience was that the smokers always got what they wanted in terms of smoking - non smokers be dammed.


Gotta say... Jam Handy would have done a better job! Thanks for posting!


It would be fascinating to learn more about COMLOGNET (17:53). A computer communications network planned in the 50s!?
Does anybody know if this is what became ARPANET, the forerunner of the internet we're using to watch this video?


I wonder if/when the RCA 1802 microprocessor replaced or updated the 501 computer.


Very inspiring video. For further generations of programmers. I am curious if the "storage" has the same inflation as money. So 1 magnetic tape reel is equal to today's TeraBytes..


Funny watching the lady drop the cards on the floor & kick them under her desk


So primitive. Todays computers will be primitive in 25 years.


I doubt the commies had anything close to this in '59.
