Using the Splice Method in Javascript
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Here is a quick tutorial on how to use the .splice method in javascript.
The splice method accepts three arguments with the third being optional. The three methods are as follows
1. Start Index - Zero based
2. Delete-How many items to delete from the start index (can be 0)
3. *Optional Array of items to be added
This removes 1 item starting at index 2 from myAry and adds a string called "New item" at an index of 2.
The splice method accepts three arguments with the third being optional. The three methods are as follows
1. Start Index - Zero based
2. Delete-How many items to delete from the start index (can be 0)
3. *Optional Array of items to be added
This removes 1 item starting at index 2 from myAry and adds a string called "New item" at an index of 2.