432 Hz DEEP HEALING TRANCE 🔹 Music of the Spheres

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Deep Healing Cosmic Trance - Harmony of the Spheres Music in 432 Hz, a natural pure tuning based on natural overtones to be in unison with cosmic vibration.
432 Hz healing frequency music to regenerate and uplift body, mind and spirit. The 432 Hz frequency has the ability to increase concentration, also promote the synchronization of the two halves of the brain, a harmonizing effect in music therapy and a positive effect on the DNA in human cells. Since some time the natural frequency of 432 hz is used in sound healing as well in psychedelic and meditative ambient music.

🔅 Listening recommendation:
The effect of the frequency music is best perceived through headphones. Take some time out, find a comfortable, relaxed position while sitting or lying down, take a few deep breaths and the sound journey can begin.

🔅 You may also like this video:

▶ 432 Hz The Miracle Frequency

▶ 528 Hz Full Body Regeneration

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Music © Ronnie Radler / Inner Healing
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💚 Hello beautiful souls, thank you for watching. You are all-embracing love - nourished by the golden light of abundance and divinity 💚
❤ Remember to subscribe to our channel so that you can always watch the latest videos directly. AND of course we are VERY happy about comments and likes ❤


Infinitas gracias por permitirnos recibir esta melodiosa y armonizadora música ❤ 🙏🏼


The simplicity of the flute and the melody is what makes this so powerful. It's amazing how something so simple can have such an impact.


Благодарю. Благодарю. Благодарю.. Принимаю.. Любви.. Счастья.. Процветания.. Радости.. Благодарность.. За. Помощь.. Благодарю


Beautiful, beautiful! Thank you lovely souls🙏🏻✨💞🌟🎇💖


南無大日大聖不動明王Namah samanta-vajranam canda-maharosana sphotaya hum trat ham mam
南無大願地蔵王菩薩Om ha ha ha vismaye svaha
南無大辯才天女尊Om sarasvatyai svaha
南無大聖歓喜天Om hrih gah hum svaha
南無救世觀世音菩薩Om varada padme hum
南無大聖大悲不動明王Namah samanta-vajranam ham
南無本尊界會佛法守護四大天王Om jambhara jalendraya svaha
如意寶輪王陀羅尼Om varada padme hum
大蓮華峰金剛秘密如意輪咒Om padme cintamani jvala hum
十一面觀世音大士咒Om lokesvara hrih
南無十一面觀世音菩薩Om maha-karunikaya svaha
南無毘沙門天王Om vaisravanaya svaha
南無大恩教主釋迦牟尼世尊Namah samanta-buddhanam bhah
南無彌勒慈尊Om maitreya svaha
南無藥師佛Om huru huru candali matangi svaha
南無阿彌陀佛Om amrta-teje hara hum
南無寶生佛Om ratna-sambhava trah
南無吉祥天女尊Om maha-sriye svaha
南無三面大黒尊天Om maha kalaya svaha
南無大師遍照金剛Om padme cintamani jvala hum
如意寶珠小咒Om trah svaha
南無金剛寶菩薩Om vajra ratna hum
虚空蔵菩薩三昧耶真言Om vajra ratna hum
千手千眼大菩薩咒Om vajra-dharma hrih
南無馬頭大士Om amrtodbhava hum phat svaha
この私「大橋 諭」は

尊勝佛頂心咒Om bhrum svaha Om amrta ayur-datte svaha
光明真言Om amogha vairocana maha-mudra mani-padma-jvala pravartaya hum
佛説摩訶般若波羅蜜多心經羯諦真言Gate gate para gate para-samgate bodhi svaha
六字大明咒Om mani-padme hum
諸天総真言Om lokaloka-karaya svaha
南無八大龍王(難陀龍王)Namah samanta-buddhanam nandaya svaha
南無生玉大明神Om huru huru candali matangi svaha
南無大三輪大明神Om a vi ra hum kham vajra-dhatu vam
南無天満大自在天神Om maha-karunikaya svaha
南無聖徳太子救世菩薩Om varada padme hum
南無稲荷大明神Om varada padme hum
南無天照坐皇大御神Om a vi ra hum kham vajra-dhatu vam
南無住吉大明神Om huru huru candali matangi svaha
正觀自在王菩薩咒Om alolik svaha
南無祇園牛頭天王Om huru huru candali matangi svaha
南無大日如來Om a vi ra hum kham vajra-dhatu vam
七倶胝佛母心大准提陀羅尼Namah saptanam samyaksambuddha kotinam tadyatha om cale cule cundi svaha
毘盧遮那一字真言Namah samanta-buddhanam vam
南無摩利支尊天Om adityaya mariciye svaha
南無石切大明神Om ha ha ha vismaye svaha
Base for Buddhist satya)を発信し、衆生を濟度します。
本当にありがとうございました。 合掌


May your mind be calm😊 May your heart be still ❤ May your body be healed 🙏🏾💜💜🤍💛 be well everyone


Merci, merci, que Dieu vous bénisse. Voici 3 a 4 heures que je ne trouvais pas la bonne position pour apaiser mon dos et en écoutant 1/4 de votre enregistrement pour être soulagée. Merci


Hi ☺️☺️ I have never meet you, we will probably never meet. But you've found my comment, among all these thousands. If you are seeing this comment then take this as your sign that things will get better, that things will be alright, that you can get through this. Whatever troubles bring you here, or if you're simple here for the sake of relaxing, remember that you are important, you are valid and that you have a right to be here. You are brave and stronger than you think. You are still here trying to make things better and to live a better life. So whatever is keeping you up at night, it's not stronger than you. You can get through this. I don't know you, you can dismiss this as meaningless word of a stranger or you can believe me. Whatever you choose, I believe in you. 🙏♥️


"muchos no estamos acostumbrados a tener un cuerpo y menos vivir en una realidad dual. Pero estamos aquí porque lo elegimos, en algún momento desde lo más alto de nuestro ser... Reconoce tu valentía. Al final dejaste un lugar donde todo era amor incondicional."


Boa tarde vc tem pra cura das artérias


cette cassette est defectueuse veiller la vérifier
