Huge October Cold Front Alert | Hunt NOW!

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Do you like hunting cold fronts? Well you really should! This is a huge October cold front alert and you can't miss out. Make sure you follow these steps to make sure that you don't miss this great October Deer hunting opportunity, to fill your tag!

*Make sure that you are practicing my highly proven weather based hunt predictions when you head out to deer hunt. Check out HuntCast, at:

*All 19 of our 2024 WHS Pure Wildlife Blends are available for purchase right now, including all of our Fall blends, just in time for early bow season! Check out our food plot seed blend website....

*To sign up for info about Digital Land Management for public and private land, check out:

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I got my first deer ever a 11 point this past monday after watching this video. We didnt get that big night time temp drop till teusday but that wind and cooler daytime temp must of got them moving monday! Thanks your advice seems spot on


I already put vacation in for Monday and Tuesday here in southwest MI it will also be my very first sit for the year. I've been waiting for a cold front


I’ve learned enough from you over the years that I already have Monday off to start my season this year before you posted this video 👍


I"m in SW Pa and the past 2 days have been awesome with lots of nice bucks moving into the food plot early in the evening. I killed a mid 130 class 10pt this evening at 5:45 that came into the plot to feed and was covered up with deer and stuck in the blind until dark watching several nice bucks feeding.


Retired, taking last week October and first 2 weeks of November, no need to hunt early cold fronts. Hunt out of state (Nebraska) live in Missouri, have 5 farms all to myself from wife’s family. Life is good 🏹🏹🦌🦌


I had ice on my windshield this morning.Not frost.We had rain last night and it froze.Going to be good this weekend.Good luck everyone🤞🤞🙏🙏🔥🔥👍


Watching this Sunday Jeff after we had heavy rain and hail last night. Good and windy day to catch one on his feet!


I learned from you Jeff to hunt 10F drops so I go in work late or leave early on weekdays and have been highly successful on target bucks and a bunch of does every year. Thanks for sharing this knowledge 10 years ago.


Been waiting first set will be Monday afternoon. Thanks great advice


I hear you man. I’m in Massachusetts and typically our season doesn’t open for another couple weeks, but they extended it and opened it on 7 October instead of like the 15th or something like that. Anyway, I refrain from jumping right in like you have said in the past and I went up there on my four wheeler and never got off it and made a couple really nice mock scrapes. Anyway, I haven’t hunted it once but I’m gonna wait till after this weekend and these storms roll through and yes!, the temps will be in the 30s in the morning so I’m gonna sit as much as I can and if I’m successful I’ll come back to this comment for sure. Good luck this season Jeff.


Yep, here in southern ohio the temperature is gonna drop by the beginning of next week.definitly gonna be in the woods next week.


My deer have gone AWOL the past few weeks ever since the acorns fell. I have a 3 acre parcel that backs up to great bedding and white oak trees. All I can do is let this food plot grow until those acorns dry up.
In the meantime, I’m hunting public oak trees!


Here in west central Illinois I will have Tuesday and Wednesday evening off, good luck everyone going out there next week


I got a ten point on camera in front of my stand at 7:53 this morning and im at work.... hes not wrong 😂


I live in southern NY and have Tuesday and Wednesday off. I’ll be sitting 1 maybe 2 of my best spots! Super pumped, goodnight all tomorrow morning is coming quick


Great info as always Jeff. Everything you mentioned bucks are doing is exactly what I’m see here in NC.


I'm definitely gonna be calling in sick Monday and Tuesday can't wait


Of course. Np Jeff. I watch till the end every time.


I’m in York PA, have a buck coming out 6:30pm on the dot to hit the corn field 90yds from my stand. Hoping he makes his way over to me in the next week


Looking forward to this weather event! We will be 92 degrees on Saturday down to a low of 36 & a high of 66 on Monday!
