Farage vs. Tajani: Battle over history and Communism. Who was right?

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On 24th October 2018 then UK Independence Party MEP Nigel Farage and European Parliament President Antonio Tajani clashed over the EU's role in maintaining peace in Europe over the past 70 years.

Nigel #Farage bursted out laughing at #EuropeanParliament #President Antonio Tajani following a heated exchange in Strasbourg.

Mr Farage's laughter prompted a massive outburst from Mr #Tajani with the EU boss telling the #British #MEP to “keep quiet”.

The huge debate broke out in European Parliament after the President of the #Socialists and #Democrats Group in the European Parliament, German MEP, Udo Bullmann, claimed “right-wing nationalism” was “trying to undermine the European Union”.

Presidente. – Non credo che in quest'Aula ci siano nostalgici o eredi del nazismo o della #dittatura #comunista #sovietica, due orribili e devastanti sistemi politici che hanno arrecato ferite profonde all'Europa. Grazie a Dio, queste due dittature sono scomparse grazie all'Unione europea.
C'è poco da ridere, c'è poco da ridere, c'è poco da ridere! Bisogna rispettare le idee degli altri, anche se non si è d'accordo. Risus abundat in ore stultorum. Imparate a rispettare gli altri se volete essere rispettati.
Onorevole Farage, impari a rispettare gli altri, perché questa è la democrazia. Lei evidentemente è un nostalgico di qualche dittatura se non rispetta le opinioni degli altri. Noi abbiamo sempre rispettato le Sue e Lei non ha alcuna autorizzazione a non rispettare quella degli altri. Rimanga in silenzio!

Nigel Farage, on behalf of the EFDD Group. – Mr President, I think under Rule 164 of our revered procedures I am allowed to respond to the comments you made as President of Parliament, some of them personally insulting. Maybe you have a bit of a problem with your temper. I will ignore the personal comments you made about me, but I will say this: we do seem this morning to be struggling just a little bit with our history. To claim, Mr Tajani, that the European Union brought about the downfall of Nazism and Soviet #Communism isn’t only laughable, it is very ungracious and deeply insulting to the United States of America, which made massive sacrifices so that Europe could be free twice in the 20th century, and – to a slightly lesser extent – the United Kingdom, as 30 000 British dead in Italy will attest. So you can claim what you want for the European Union, but please do not rewrite history.

Mr Tusk, I want to thank you for confirming that it was Theresa May who asked for the one—year extension to the transition period. I also want to thank you for your recent offer, saying that if Britain wants a Canada Plus—style trade deal, you are open to it. Indeed, it’s what I have campaigned for, for 25 years. I’ve always thought this was a better approach between our country and the EU than the one we currently have.

Now every proposal of course seems to founder on the question of the Irish border, but given the slight state of panic that German industry is now getting itself into – and maybe that’s not surprising because a WTO deal would lead not just to tariffs on German cars, but a weaker pound and probably a more competitive UK economy – the time has come to look for answers. The funny thing is the answers are staring at us. Not so long ago, Mr Juncker in the Irish Parliament made it very clear that there were no circumstances under which the European Union would impose a border. Indeed, even Mr Varadkar, the Irish PM, who is not usually particularly helpful in the Brexit process, has said that under no circumstances will there be a hard border. This Parliament produced a study by one of its own committees, the Committee on Constitutional Affairs, entitled ‘Avoiding a hard border on the island of Ireland for Customs control and the free movement of persons’.

The point is, there are solutions everywhere we look. The idea that somehow this border is an impediment is, frankly, a red herring. The problem, I’m afraid, is that there is a rogue element in these negotiations, a group of people who do not wish to see a solution, who put up an immovable brick wall to stop us from breaking free, and I regret to say that it isn’t your chief negotiator, Monsieur Barnier, but actually the British Civil Service and Olly Robbins’ team. They signed up years ago to the European dream. They’ve been happy to take their orders from Brussels. They are now out to sabotage Brexit. They are indeed the enemy within.

I think that unless the Conservative Party comes to its senses and gets rid of a leader who clearly is being led by the nose, then we will head to the December summit, we will head towards a humiliating sell-out, and we will head towards the United Kingdom being trapped in EU rules for many, many years to come.

Conclusions of the EU Council meeting of October 2018
Wednesday, 24 October 2018 - Strasbourg
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Whether you are pro or against The EU is academic: To say The EU played a part in the fight against Hitler is farcical, and Soviet communism fell apart because of Gorbachev and his liberalisation policies, which led to those satellite states breaking free. Somewhat bemused by Tijani.


EU dictatorship and their sheep . They needed a history lesson.


He forgets Italy we’re partakes in Nazism until they were defeated!


It doesn’t matter if Tajani was right, which he wasn’t. He’s the speaker and should be politically neutral. He’s an angry little man and the fact that Farage could get under his skin with a laugh speaks volumes about him.


We didn't ask to join the EU we joined the Common market, a different thing altogether!


I remember when Tajani just sat there staring at Nigel for 5 minutes.


Tajani is bonkers. The Soviet Union collapsed because Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, and Pope John Paul II pushed the USSR to collapse. All three stood up to the Soviets on every front, in every way. Reagan embarked on a massive defense build-up, combined with the Strategic Defense Initiative that bankrupted the Soviets. Reagan and Thatcher policies led to massive growth, burying the Soviets. Pope John Paul II and Lech Walesa showed the corruption of the Soviet system, fomenting internal pressures communism could not survive. Tajani's history isn't just wrong, it's a total fictional fantasy.


EU rewriting history - it’s been normalised. So, it’s not because of the EU we’ve had peace in Europe. It’s because the Middle East was redrawn, making it virtually impossible for that area to collaborate.


That guy is way off
Ronald Reagan is responsible for the downfall of the Soviet union


The European Union didn’t exist when world war 2 was fought 😂😂😂😂


In einem Satz its es möglich die deutsche Vorstellung vom Universum un dem atom zu schreiben ✍️ in 1918 1939 / 1945


WHAT exactly Italy is demanding respect for ? Since Teutoburg Forest they failed in anything they did.😇Romani ite domum!


Well done Tajani 100% correct brexit fiasco
