The Dark Side of Grains (It's Bad)

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I don’t know if you know, but grains could be contributing to your weight gain. Here’s how.

First, grains have been genetically hybridized to increase yield. The problem with this is that this has increased specific lectins in the plant, like gluten.

Gluten is pro-inflammatory and can cause damage to the intestinal lining, and if you’re having any inflammation in your gut, it’s going to be hard to lose weight

The fiber in grains can also feed gram negative bacteria in your gut which produce endotoxin that can be absorbed into your blood stream and lead to inflammation.

And to much endotoxin is associated with weight gain.

Pesticides are known endocrine disruptors that impair hormone function, particularly estrogen, which can lead to fat accumulation

Grains are also fortified with literal iron shavings which is obviously not a good thing since excess unbound iron can increase oxidative stress and damage your mitochondria.

Three b vitamins fortified in bread are cheap and either not in their bioactive form or are not easily absorbed into the body.

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I eat grains everyday and I've lost 60 pounds.


Wow. I didn’t know any of this specific info. 🙏 Thank you. It explains a lot of the symptoms I and others I know have. Ugh, I love the foods with grain. Pizza, hamburgers, Italian food, chinese food, Mexican food…


Dang so I have to stop eating my Dave's Killer Bread? It's my morning and evening go-to with eggs and butter.


If we stopped eating/growing grains would there not be a massive food shortage? Grains are easy to grow so what could realistically be grown in their stead?


I’m all for this but I gotta call cap on grains making it hard to lose weight. I lost over 30 pounds eating white bread sandwiches almost daily.


He doesn’t actually cite any studies which just shows how much bs this video actually is


What if any breads can you recommend? Is home made any better?


Hello. I know that most people could be healthy without grains on their diets. They are not a necessary food for human health. But i respectfuly think that it's not accurate to blame grains because of the chemicals that are sprayed on them or the synthetic components added by the industry. The grain is the grain, organic and intact. I think most people would be ok eating a barley or kamut soup or salad a couple times in a week.


what do u consider as grains..please specify?Thanks


Thanks Tim!!! Grains are not my friend!!!💞💞🙃💞💞


I'm 59 Woman with 20 kg. at list😮...I can't eat to much, to Much coldryhade neither...fiber is in oaks..and in other way..Is that the solution for Me?..


Omfg. This is insane. Avoid grains. 🤦🤦🤦


I eat grains everyday like oats or wheat bread, i even eat Soybeans, but i still lose weight and fat. People's body are different. If you don't have Celiac Desease, then grains are okay. Don't believe everything on YT, do your own research first.


You really need to work on your public speaking skills.
