How the Agricultural Revolution ruined our health!

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Nutrient deficiencies, bad oral health, infectious diseases.... all results of the agricultural revolution.

After a long existence as hunters and gatherers – 200,000 years as homo sapiens and millions of year if you include our evolutionary ancestors – the agricultural revolution 10,000 years ago introduced a radically different way of life that was the first step toward the many chronic health conditions we suffer from today. While it allowed us to rapidly grow our population, it reduced our quality of life.

This negative impact on our health reflects a core principle of the Revival Health platform: We were healthy, we made a bunch of change, we got sick. And to get better, we need to address those changes by adjusting our modern routine to provide our bodies once again with an environment in which we can naturally thrive.

Video chapters:
00:00 Introduction agricultural revolution
00:51 Summary of topics covered in video
01:07 Overview of the agricultural revolution – what happened?
02:15 Population growth fueled by agricultural revolution
03:15 Changes to way of life due to agriculture
05:05 Impact on our health
08:35 Changes to diet in this period
10:29 Sources of most common allergies
11:30 Implications and wrap-up

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Raw milk definitely sits better with me than pasteurized milk.
