The Story Of Marc Andre - The Alpinist That Pushed The Boundaries Of Climbing

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Legendary alpinist Marc-Andre pushed the boundaries of climbing further than
was ever thought possible before his life was tragically cut short.

This is the story of his final climb.

The Alpinist is in UK & Irish cinemas now.
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I went to high school with Marc. Watching this film was surreal for me to see what he accomplished in such jaw-dropping fashion, remembering the kid I grew up with getting into trouble n such. You'd never see him without a smile on his face. RIP my brother


Watched this last night and I want to recognize his mom and the way she raised this boy...she recognized his free spirit from a young age and embraced it..and let him be who he was from the beginning . I say kudos to her for letting this kid be all he wanted to be ..and what an inspiration he was...RIP Marc Andre.. I know you are flying high up there!!


I just watched this jaw-dropping, heart-pounding movie, and cried. It is comforting to know he lived his passion and died doing what he loved. RIP Marc.


I’ve watched the film 5 times now. I’ve never missed someone who I’ve never known, and I think humanity has a big hole in it with Marc Andre not here.

There’s no contemporary climbers that I’ve really found any connection with - Ueli Steck (RIP) sprinting up mountains, Nims conducting military operations to conquer peaks, to name two - but there was something about Marc Andre’s approach which rang real hard with me. He had such a deep appreciation and love for the mountains that was so pure and true. He wasn’t motivated by fame or glory or his ego. He did it for the experience of being, for the wonder and amazement, and for communion and oneness with the mountains. It’s fucking beautiful man, and I’m tearing up just thinking about it. What a guy.


Just finished watching the Alpinist and I am awestruck, yet heartbroken. A giant of a man whose legend will live on forever.


What an un-compromised existence. He found things he loved to do, and did them to an unimaginable level. In this world filled with mediocre people, doing mediocre things, and trying to become famous for it; here you have a truly awe Inspiring individual, doing absolutely incredible things, just for the love of it. I wish I could have known this kid for one day, it looks like the good vibes he radiated have touched people from around the world. Watching this movie has truly inspired me. I’m glad his story has been told for so many in the world to enjoy. We all die some day, might as well spend at least some of your time on this earth, actually living.


The footage of him hanging upside down on frozen water, whilst picking away with axes and with no ropes is quite phenomenal.


This man was one of a kind, he lived a shorter life than he should have, but probably a more exciting life than most will live in 90 years, RIP Marc, you are a true legend.


Marco, you have touched me from the grave. Amazing life, amazing person, amazing climber


The alpinist doc about this amazing young man moved me in a way I can't explain.. He was an amazing Individual. I could live 10 lifetimes and not achieve what he had..


It was absolutely beautiful to see a human live life so wonderfully. Marc, your departure may have felt premature, but your life was filled to the brim. Rest easily, and keep chasing mountains ❤️


Just finished watching the movie and I could not resist crying while listening to his mom giving a tribute to Marc, when mountain gives birth to a mountain .


I must have watched The Alpinist a dozen times. Blown away is an understatement. The world was a better place with Marc in it. So sad to see how it ended but he lived life on his terms and went out doing what he loved albeit much too soon. So much respect and admiration for how he lived his life not to mention his out of this world accomplishments as a climber.


I'm from a small city in Illinois. Ive been watching the Netflix title "The Alpinist". I now reside in NM, and I trail walk with my teenage son, small foothills at the very most vertical. It gets harrowing for me on these molehills. I watched this guy and got a lump in my throat and teary-eyed at the rawness of his commitment and just the joy that his solo climbs brought to him. I'm not an avid outdoorsman by any stretch of the imagination, but skill and perfection of what he accomplished, in the shadows of the limelight. I'm really at a loss for words for what I saw. The humbleness, like a walk in the park attitude. This guy was special. R.I.P. Marc.


For what my opinion is worth:

I watched and found myself relating to and just liking Marc. I am at a much later stage of life than he, but have so much respect for anyone rising to this caliber of their passion. My greatest tribute to this young man is to envy those blessed to have seen and known him. He more than inspired, he resonated "Do what you love and love what you do."


this is so sad man. Marc seems such a lovely guy


I watched his documentary 3 times and will go 10 more. I cried and inspired. Guy is 🐐


This guy and his story will stick with me for the rest of my life. Idk why.. I’m not even a climber at all. Marc was such a genuine person with such an a beautiful inspiring path in life… he has forever touched me. RIP 💕


What a tragedy. Such an incredible person who treated life like an adventure that he navigated on his own terms. Rest in piece bud.


Marc-Andre has inspired me to get my life back on track and will forever be an inspiration to everyone who sees & hears his story. MA will live in in our hearts & spirits as we all continue to adventure!
