These AI TOOLS will help you CODE BETTER

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AI is everywhere, and while I do believe AI as a whole will cause programming jobs to decrease over the next 5-10 years, there’s still a lot it can do for you today in large scale and personal projects. I also promised y’all I’d make a video about AI Tools for Software Engineers a few videos ago, and I’m a man of my word.

I’ve been using and researching these tools to learn about what they can really do. You may have heard of a few of them, but I want to provide you with a few use cases of how they can fit into your software engineering workflow.

A portion of this video is sponsored by Mailgun.


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0:00 - Intro
0:47 - ChatGPT
1:30 - Github Copilot X
5:34 - Microsoft 365 Copilot / Google Workspace AI
7:10 - Image generative AI
8:50 - Microsoft Bing


Never did I ever think I'd hear someone, especially a software engineer, promoting Bing unironically


as a mid level developer it feels like I can't really ever get ahead or become good enough with the never ending supply of new JS frameworks, databases, and programming paradigms. Now add all these AI tools and you've got quite the cocktail to make someone at my skill level to feel inadequate. God damn this industry is exhausting...


never in my life time would I expect myself to search bing with Google

How the tables have turned


Love your videos, time and effort, info & inspiration provided. Been following you for a long time. Was always a coder as a hobby, but just want to let you know at age 61 you gave me the ambition to pursue my dream of continuing with my education in computer science. My undergrad wasn't comp-sci based but after a long year and half of preparation I have recently been accepted into graduate school for my Masters in Computer Science at the University of Massachusetts. Thanks for your inspiration. Keep up the great work!


When I first started testing in the late 1990s, much of the UI testing was done manually for early web pages. As time went on, UI automation with tools like Rational Robot or custom frameworks using Selenium/Cucumber evolved. In those early days, some (not all) manual testers resisted automated testing because they obviously feared their jobs as manual testers would end. The logic was that, ostensibly, the automation would take over their jobs such that they would get fired. But they failed to understand that if they embraced automation, it could run routine migration tests while they focus on edge cases, complicated manual tests, performance, etc. - advanced areas requiring deep manual tests that could not be automated while the routine scenarios go into automation. I would surmise that AI is similar - if embraced and used properly - AI can help make developers more efficient. Sociologists would refer to the behavior I described of manual testers in the early days as "resistance to innovation".


I tried ChatGPT this week to help make a GUI. It was very useful to do the boilerplate grunt work, but it also required a lot of corrections. It would eventually forget what had come before so I would have to copy the whole code back into it.
Right now it feels like Stack Overflow, except that SO usually shows you multiple ways of doing it. ChatGPT presents one answer very confidently. Even when it doesn’t work.
I do appreciate that it explains the logic. It’s a pretty good teaching tool right now. I’ll be keeping an eye on Copilot X.


If it's a personal project, I'm not using any of these tools. It defeats the purpose a personal project.


GPT-like tools are to compilers as compilers were to assembly. I think it’s likely that expectations of what should be accomplished will increase rather than the amount of programming roles decreasing.

Hell back then people said the same thing about compilers. that now that managers can read and write code in an English-like syntax and still be 10x more productive than people programming in assembly, we’d need far less programmers if any at all.

Except that didn’t happen. We went from Pong being the cutting edge of video games to wanting games like grand theft auto.

Don’t listen to people spreading doom and gloom, especially when it comes to trying to predict the future.

There have been many predictions over how programming roles will decrease. None of these predictions have ever come to fruition.


2:44 he asked for "age is null" but code showing .notnull()


How many of these are used in the industry? A lot of companies won't use these to avoid privacy issues like sharing proprietary code ..maybe they use internal tools tailored to their own database and distributed systems...maybe something like vector databases.. You have any inputs on that?


I've subscribed many programming channels.
You're the most good looking. No lie.


as a first year CS student would you recommend me dropping CS and going into engineering?


Please make a video about how to create your own programming language


Loved this video, I think all the workflow stuff is wonderful! However, I think it’s important to mention that the image generation AI like Mid journey are in the middle of lawsuits for stealing from thousands of artists. I hope that it can one day steer away from that.


Gotta move with the times I guess, crazy times but it is what it is


I'm inclined to agree with Code Foundry on the opinion that AI would make even MORE engineers than ever before, but only for the reason that more engineers will be hired to clean up the mess that the AI left behind.


So is Bing a better search engine that Google?

Would love to hear more about Adobe Firefly, Notion AI, Canva Magic Write, and Jasper AI.. and see it in action.


I want you and coding with Lewis to have a video together 🥺


Loved the vid man, one recommendation though, maybe add a popular or more prominent element to your thumbnails to lock more peoples eyes. Like look for things that are popular like GPT-4 and make that the main thing in the thumbnail :) but of course you can do what you like.👍
