Things Fall Apart | Essay Topic Breakdown

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Hey everyone! Today's prompt is: 'In Things Fall Apart, women suffer the most and are victimised by men. Discuss.'

If you haven't watched my THINK and EXECUTE Strategy video, watch it below so you can understand the analyse, brainstorm, and planning process I'll be using in this video:

// timestamps
0:00 Introduction
1:03 Step 1: Analyse
1:50 Step 2: Brainstorm
3:10 Step 3: Create a Plan
// R E S O U R C E S

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Hi! I'm Lisa and I make English interesting, relevant, and do I dare say - FUN! English is a subject we all have to study at some point, why not turn it into something much more than just a chore?

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// C R E D I T S
Lindsey Dang (Scriptwriter)
Alex Tran (Video editor)
Рекомендации по теме

Who's in Year 12 studying this text? ;)


The person who disliked this video was full of tears because of how great this video was and accidentally hit the wrong button.


can you plz do 'hate race' by Maxine Beneba Clarke :)
