Comparing Wizard and Octo Zombie (to see quite how different they are)

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Fishy Magic would be the name of their band if they... had one. I don't know where I am going with this. Anyways, octo and wizard zombies have always been super infamous, so lets quickly go other the two, their differences, and why Octo is worse than Wizard.


Plants VS Zombies 2


Eclise Alpha (1:55 onwards)
AltverZ (4:34 onwards)


Big Wave Beach Wave 1 from PVZ2
Dark Ages Ultimate Battle from PVZ2
Neon Mixtape Tour Choose your Seeds from PVZ2

Outro is an Original Theme

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Octo Zombie is already many times more dangerous than Wizard Zombie for the simple fact that you have to deal with each projectile alone. For Wizard, you just need to deal damage to a single target, but for Octo, you have to do it for EVERY projectile.


Here's a couple interesting weaknesses you may not know about:

Witch Hazel will prioritize hitting Wizard Zombies.

level 5+ Hot Potato can melt Octo's projectiles.


Creeps I'll take this one here

So basically sheeps are a species of the Ovis Aries genus variety which are mammals and graze ths land with 4 legs and have usually been kept as livestock.
Meanwhile, octopi are invertebrates in the order of Octopoda with 8 tentacle arms and no legs, live in the sea, and are generally more intelligent than sheeps.
And a Zombie is not a real creature but I guess the Ohpiocordyceps unilateralis is close enough

I say all this to say absolutely nothing


My main problem and one of the reasons that could be used to justify even more how Octo is stronger, it's much less vulnerable to instakill plants/random damage. While if the Wizard dies, the plants he transform turn back to normal, it's not the case with Octo. With Octo you're often forced in a lose-lose scenario while building a team of plants, by using lobbing plants you have no way to remove the octopus because they would be focused on the incoming zombies while plants like peashooter will be stuck on the surprisingly bulky octopi, thus plants that target multiple foes such as Laser Beam and Bloomerang are your best options but lack damage compared to the other types of plants.


To me, it’s simple what makes Octo more annoying. One insta wipes out all of Wizard’s threat. That is not the same for octo, because if your too slow on the draw, than all of your damage can easily be absorbed by octopuses.


I think another reason as to why octo is more dangerous than wizard is because how he can very easily destroy your lawn thanks to water in BWB.
When a wizard transform one of your plants into sheep, the zombies around it will start to ignore it and move on, so when you kill the wizard your lawn is back to normal, but with the octopuses it's a different. In theory the zombies also ignore the octupus, but what they don't ignore is the lily pad bellow it, so they will still eat it and insta kill the plant (except if it's flying/water plant), so let's say you have bunch of zombies eating your walls while you're attacking them with your plants in the back, and then one octozombie decides to aim at it, the moment that your plant gets trapped, all of its resistances won't matter a thing since all the zombies will just kill the lily pad instead, so he can easily destroy your whole lawn and make you have much more trouble trying to recover while a bunch of zombies are already inside your defences


The one fact that bothered me the most when it comes to the Octo Zombie, is that he has more health than the Wizard Zombie and he gets spammed a lot in any level he is in.

The bloody thing can disable more of your plants in that span of time, even if you have shooters at the back of the lawn. With how hectic the battles can be, it is really hard to focus on so many things at once

Even if you use plants that can bypass the octopi and destroy the zombie, you still have to worry on destroying the octopi themselves, since your plants will ignore it until there are no more zombies on that lane.


Basically :

- Throws octopis at your defense, serves as a mini wallnut and blocks plants projectiles
- His kids will not go away even if Octodad dies, you will need to attack it
- Not too bulky, stronger than conehead but weaker than buckethead (takes 2 magnifying shots)
- Slow

Wizard :
- Transforms plants into sheep
- Sheep will go away if you killed the Wizard
- Not that bulky, same as octo
- Slow

The only similarity between this two is their slowness, gimmick, and maybe health

- Any stalling plants could help
- Instant plants
- Any piercing plants (like laser bean and snapdragon)
- Spammable plants (like roto)


The thing with Octo zombie is that it is in the "creeper" category, which is a category for the slowest zombies out there. This means that both Wizard and Octo zombie stays in the back, which other zombies are in front defending it. For Wizard zombie, it is annoying due to the types of zombies there are within the world it is introduced in(particularly Jester Zombie, which is annoying, but can be countered with non-tangible projectiles). Wizard zombie is annoying due to this, but considering it is more vulnerable to random damage, and the fact that it is less tanky, it makes for a mildly annoying zombie that can be easily countered with, with the right set-up. For Octo zombie, since it stays in the back, it is(almost always) in water. Only a select few plants can be placed on water, and only Lily pad can let you place other plants on water. Considering that water is basically the terrain that you have to deal with(and sometimes be in), it makes Octo zombie that much annoying. That combined with the fact you have to deal with each individual projectile makes it one of the most annoying zombies in the game, far from the Wizard Zombie.


Octo doesn't just disable a plant, it can disable an entire lane if not dealt with quickly. Playing BWB taught me never to use front shooters (pea shooters etc) because by the time they'd break one octo, he'll already throw a new one to disable a plant. and if your entire lane becomes octo and you have no AoE like cherry bomb to beat it? game over.


Their pattern is that Wizard transform plants in a column starting with his row first while Octo disables plants in rows


Something that messes with me for octo is the fact that he's *much* harder to kill with instas. Think about it, in dark ages, you can place a cherry bomb or squash anywhere on the lawn as long as there's no graves there. In big wave beach, you need to place a lily pad ans *then* your insta, and if octo is being protected by other zombies (which due to his speed and stopping to throw octopi, he most certainly will be), those zombies could simple eat the lily pad before you can plave your insta! It takes much more time and presicion, and makes any insta that needs to be placed next to.zombies cost 25 extra sun, and that all makes octo just that much more difficult to defeat!


2:11 I remember when I first got back into PvZ 2 there was a BWB beghouled event that got to the point where there was only octo


The only difference I know is that for octos, you need to destroy the octopus to get the plant back, with wizards, you need to kill the wizard


If you go and look, you can find examples of pairs of zombies that are actually very similar in their abilities. The context they’re in is what makes them seem different. For example: Relic Hunter and Swashbuckler. Think about it. In some way you could also link the snowball throwing dude to octo, since they both throw projectiles at plants that can incapacitate them which need damage to be broken. GAME DESIGN !!!


Aside from the projectile squid being a problem, alongside the large amount of health, my problem with onto zombie is how he makes things frustrating when combined with a zombie horde. Something like a bucket head, coneheads, or even a gargantuar can act as cover against projectile plants, while onto zombie launches squids uses these zombies for cover. Gets really worse if the tide goes back, or if a fisher zombie appears.


Honestly did not notice how mechanically different the two zombie types were. Zombie design is cool


Octo Zombie is essentially the Plant equivalent of a Wall nut spawner. (Scratch that, Octo Zombie is the plant equivalent of a better Tomb Tangler)


Octo Zombies made the Beetz an actual plant I take into endless, because of that AoE damage. Egypt as well, but Big Wave Beach needs something that can hammer Octopi around them, due to how Octo Zombies will focus on disabling a lane.


Imaging going against both Wizard & Octo at the same timee
