Sadhguru Cosmologist Bernard Carr Explores The Mysteries Of The Universe React Part 3

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The cycles of reincarnation is not the only cyclical thing in the world btw

Also, at 23:58 patanjali here refers to the author of the yoga sutras


Something that dosent change through passage of time is timeless or beyond time for eg laws of nature like time itself is timeless. time itself doesn't change but it changes everything. for eg space is expanding (changing) so it is under effect of time. if space if manifesting out of the source then source is time itself. Maybe in that sense Sadhguru means Time creates space. only then it makes sense at least to me. source is infinite energy hence it doesn't run out of time it is timeless while limited things (dualities) has limited energy so they run out of time and are subject to change.

20:00 i think Sadhguru's here means because of limitations of matter we cannot get full picture of nature/reality/existence. just like within the limitations of our eyes only we can see limited part of reality. so the physical material/matter/energy based experiments based scientific method has it's limitations set from the beginning. we have to develop better scientific methods independent of limitations of physical matter and energy to get more better picture of reality.
