The Godhead Joel's Journey - The Pioneers and the Alpha and Omega of Deadly Heresies

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What would cause a staunch Anti-trinitarian to change his view on the Godhead? Discover light on this most confusing topic from the journey of one who has ‘been there and done it’.

The author was raised a Seventh-day Adventist, and in his early teens accepted the Anti-trinitarian view of God. But years later he experienced some unease with these teachings, and chose to search out more thoroughly the Truth for himself. The result: he is now a confirmed believer in the Eternal Heavenly Trio, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

This program looks at the Pioneers of the SDA church and the development of the Godhead in their understanding. Plus it addresses the question of Who is the Alpha and Omega of Deadly Heresies that Ellen White spoke about? Is it the Trinity doctrine?

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