Amazon Ads for Authors (Part 2)

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► Rapport-Building Email Templates for Authors:
🍿 M O R E R E S O U R C E S
About this channel: I share what I've learned after 20 years as an indie, self-published author who's published 6 books of my own (and sold 70,000+ copies) as well as 50+ books for other authors. There's no magic bullet to success beyond time, patience, and persistence, but I'll share the triumphs, "failures," tips, and strategies I've gleaned so you don’t make the same mistakes I did while growing my author career.
Considering self-publishing but wanting to be a bit more confident that it's the right choice?
Download my free Self-Publishing Starter Kit! It gives you everything you need to determine which publishing approach is best for you. And, if self-publishing is your ultimate choice, I'll show you how to navigate that process like a pro.