Making Bureaucracies Sexier with Yuval Noah Harari | What Now? with Trevor Noah Podcast

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Christiana and I speak with Yuval Noah Harari, whose latest book, Nexus, asks, if humans are so smart, why do we do so many stupid things? The three of us interrogate truth vs. fact, the threats and promises of AI, and how these questions connect to global issues like the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

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#YuvalNoahHarari #TrevorNoah #WhatNowPodcast
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My two favorite people in the same room. Trevor was the reason I began reading in my late teens. Yuval solidified my decision to be a history major.


I am a 65 year old poliglot, have lived in 4 countries, spent the 1st 28 yars of my life in communist soviet occupied socialist Hungary. About half way trough watching this podcast, I started to send it to friends, about 2/3rd of the way I realized, that I would have re watch this many more times, (same as I did listen to my copy of "Born a Crime" CD set, that I bought when it came out from Barnes and Noble). Now, I have to go back and Google the work of that lady in the middle of the conversation, as she is new to me. she does not say mutch, but when she does, oh boy, she is sharper than anyone I know, and every tines turns, and twists the conversation, onto an unexpected new direction. posing questions, that neither of these 2 Noahs never thought of.... WOW!


If there wasn’t so many things going on in the world right now this podcast would be the standard of all other podcasts. Real people discussing real issues.


When Trevor was able to talk about Arafat and Rabin, as well as quote what the Go player said after he lost to AlphaGo, I knew this podcast series will be my favourite!!!

It is very rare to find podcasts with hosts that can discuss a topic at equal level with the expert they are inviting. Sometimes I’m just so disappointed by podcasts hosts inability to ask the right questions on our behalf.

But this is the kind of Q&A I have been hungry for. Thanks Trevor and team for making this happen!!!


Best "What Now" podcast guest yet! I love both Yuval and Trevor... what a joy listening to both of them.


Who is Trevor Noah? The man who introduced me to Christiana, who is my new North Star for asking great questions in interviews. Seriously great to watch a show where people actually read the books.


Heard many interviews with Yuval Harari, this is the only one that seems in spots to try and get past Nexus and more into the man behind it. Well done Trevor! That's a skillset that is more instilled in your character than learned later in life.


When u learn more from the podcast than from reading the book itself, trevor and the lady were sharp, their questions were deep, the conversation seemed authentic, and went in unscripted directions, they could pull things out of yuval in a way that no other interviewer did. Thank you all


Today I was an un-productive worker bacause of this video and I am proud of it. Thank you for share this wonderful conversation with us <3


One of the best conversations ever! So insightful and thought-provoking. Thanks!!


Thank you to all three of you for doing what you do! ❤️ This conversation was so rich with wisdom.


Proudly South African! Great interview with an inspirational guest. Thanks!


I really appreciate this conversation. You all carefully and effectively navigated through some very difficult topics that I think no matter where you stand on these issues, you either learned something or were given some valuable insights to think about or even reconsider. Thank you! 👏🏿👏🏿


Thank you! This is the best ever (so far) Yuval interview/conversation!


Surprising conversation with Harari I watched after your interview with Coates. I love Christiana!


Thank you for having this beautiful conversation, and for sharing it with us.


On a micro scale what the guest states is truth. As a mother, wife and nurse. Looking back on my life. It was easier when my children were young because momma could fix their problems. Kiss away their hurts. My husband and I had passion between us. I was fulfilled in my work. Now I am raising my grandson after his mother's passing. I work from home, which has really adversely affected my health. My husband is surviving prostate cancer. So I try to constantly find the silver lining. I have my husband who I love til death and beyond. When I am too tired. I remind myself that this second chance with Elijah is a gift, so I read that bedtime story. "Life is what happens when you have other plans".


I almost never comment and THANK YOU! For making content and giving your platform for helping people think, reflect and hopefully broaden their horizons. You, your voice and platform are a gift.


Great insightful conversation between great thinkers! Thanks


The interview I've been waiting for since discovering Yuval 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
