Dr. Matthew Phillips - 'Metabolic Strategies as Therapies in Cancer and Neurodegeneration'

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Dr. Matthew Phillips is a full-time clinical and research neurologist at Waikato Hospital in Hamilton, New Zealand. His foremost passion is to explore the potential feasibility, safety, and efficacy of metabolic therapies, particularly fasting and ketogenic diets, in creating alternate metabolic states that enhance neuron bioenergetics and may lead to improvements in not only the symptoms, but also function and quality of life, for people with Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and a variety of additional neurological disorders.

Upon completing his Neurology training in Melbourne, Dr. Phillips realised that he had no interest in going the usual route of further specialising in a particular neurological disorder. He wanted to specialise in a therapy, but no such fellowship existed. Thus, he bought a one-way ticket to the other side of the world and departed the medical system, travelling and working in different places for three years, creating his own self-taught fellowship during which he learned about a variety of therapeutic possibilities that he had never previously considered.

Upon completing his 3-year “fellowship” it dawned on him that metabolic strategies, particularly fasting and ketogenic diets, were promising therapeutic options for a range of disorders. He re-entered the medical system by commencing work as a neurologist in New Zealand, where his colleagues have helped him to apply these strategies to a number of humanity’s most difficult neurological disorders so as to determine whether they are feasible, safe, and can make an impact in terms of helping patients. This has resulted in his team conducting a world-first randomised controlled study of a ketogenic diet in Parkinson’s.

The Canadian-born, Australian-trained neurologist ultimately wishes to help create a new field of Metabolic Neurology that emphasises applying metabolic strategies in healthcare so as to potentially heal many difficult disorders at their core, with the overarching goal being the improved health and enhanced nobility of humanity.

Рекомендации по теме

Thank you ! I’m 75, ketovoire for almost a year, watching friends and family succumb to these metabolic diseases and not recognizing how we have been manipulated! Hi from Vancouver Island!


Excellent presentation Dr Phillips! You and the others like you that are exploring these strategies are the heralds of the new era of human health. Love it.


It seems to come back to the same common denominators : Metabolic health comes from not eating seed oils, sugars, carbs, processed foods and non-human foods. It also follows that IF, Ketones and Autophagy are also what aids in better metabolic health outcomes.
Cancer cannot prosper if you don't feed it nor create the oxidation and inflammation.


Listened to this at the conference. Such a privilege. Now I'm listening again and relearning. Thank you


One of the best lectures I've seen on the subject, and one of the most important. He hit the nail on the head on each topic. It's refreshing to see young medical scientists preaching the real cause of most of our diseases. Thank you.


I'm reminded of progress in physics, where first electricity and magnetism were unified, then they plus the strong and weak nuclear forces got folded in to the unified theory, leaving only gravity on the outside (Einstein spent the last decades of his life searching for a single, unified "theory of everything." What we're seeing in the mitochondrial theory Dr Phillips presents is like a unified theory of diseases. Remarkable, and enormously encouraging.


These kinds of presentations are the absolute best. How to lessen the disease risks and how to reverse or slow down the disease process.


Listening to Dr Phillips, it's clear that he is one smart cookie! His presentation style shows me that he has a huge amount of experience and knowledge in the field. It's great to see there are still doctors like him around!


The best ever lecture on Low Carb Down Under. Thank you


As a cancer patient I have seen a lot of benefits in relatively short time with extended fasting!! My oncologist is pleased!


I think this is a very interesting theory of cancer. Our current ideas have not produced significant changes in cancer survival in decades. The 'War on Cancer" has been a failure. However, these new ideas will take decades to take hold.

"A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it"
-- Max Planck


Please continue with these lectures. They are invaluable.


Thank you Dr Phillips for all your hard work to bring Metabolic therapy to a wider audience and hopefully we will see more doctors taking this on board for their patients 🙏


Wish I could think of a word 10 times better than "awesome" and that'll come close to how good this lecture was - thank you so much.


Had I heard and understood your metabolic cancer approach, I believe my father would have been with us much longer and my little brother would be here today.


Very convincing presentation! Indeed, that theory would change a lot! Luckily I'm doing what is suggested for a long time (Keto since 2000, IF since a few years). Am 56, feel better than ever, both mentally and physically. Greetz from Germany to Down Under


I think he is on to something! Aiming at restoring one's health instead of destroying it further with chemo and radiation is at least offering someone a lifeline they might not have discovered otherwise. People have been actively ruining their health since the womb today and it is good to see someone who is willing to go the the root of the issue for restoration of health not just try to mop up the end results which mostly fail miserably.


Spot on. I'm currently reading 'The Cancer Code' by Dr. Jason Fung. The information is out there which can inform our dietary decisions and empower us as individuals to prevent heading down the path of chronic or worse conditions, and even REVERSING existing conditions - which, as a 60 year woman, is of particular interest to me. We're are all not heading down a path of degeneration over which we have no control or influence. Thank you Dr. Phillips, your accent, btw is a similar mashup to my own - a great conversation starter ;-)


You will have strong winds ahead from traditional food industy and medicine, but it is worth the effort!!
We need this new start in medicine, because the old one failed drastically!
I personally gained huge from going ketostyle diet with a bit of fasting. Greetings from Germany


Excellent presentation. What about that humungous elephant in the room that may wreck all of this progress though- you know, the unmentionable rollout of 3, 4+ experimental things which contain LNP's which can and do cross the blood brain barrier and the lack of any data on the long term effects of this programme....My mother has always been strong and sharp as a tack and 4 months after "number 2" she rapidly declined mentally, is riddled with anxiety and depression that sees her now effectively bed ridden- they've tried about 20 combinations of SSRI's, SNRI's, benzos, pregabalin you name it and none of it has worked even a 12 week stint in the local psychiatric hospital did nothing whatsoever. It's like something got rewired/short circuited in there and the conventional methods to treat these apparent symptoms now have no chance whatsoever.... still nobody is talking about this f***ing issue and they look at you like you're nuts if you do.... yeah, obviously nobody wants to talk about the damaged do they? Even mainstream media totally ignored Aseem Malhotra and what happened to his dad....It makes a mockery of trying to fix people when this other issue is running amok amongst the population!!
