Is the Destiny Community Okay?

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I hope this video helps you feel better, and I hope what I'm trying to convey is understanding!

So sorry for the screen tearing and fps drops! My PC has a hard time rendering edited videos! ;-;

Have a LOVELY rest of your day!


It's just feels like we are getting replaced by marathon


I don't want to be negative but this is something that has to be said. I think the community are at their braking point. So many unresolved issues. So much dissapointment lately. The fact that people are at each other's throats lately is just proof that everyone is so fed up. I can understand that you're trying to hold the community together, and I think that is what we need to do. However I think we also need to take a stand with whats been happening lately regarding all these issues, and force some action / any god damn ackowledgment from Bungie. As consumers of this great product that is going down hill rapidly, we deserve answers.


I think 2 things are driving up the "frustration" of the community personally. 1. Bugs that have been in the game for months/years I.E renewal grasps grenade cool down being longer than it was supposed to be because Bungie nerfed it when it first came out and was "bugged" from that. OR anytime a bug that helps the player happens getting fixed or disabled in minutes of being known such as legendary shard farms from a bugged armour piece.
2. "Lazy" game design (to quote a certain dev) the high content we have in the game is enemies one shot you and are bullet sponges. I run a lot of LFGs for master difficulty content and can say with 100% confidence that the content that is replayable is extremely lackluster at best.

Ps. Oh Can't forget about the lack of new pvp content that's meaningful for long-term. I do love the game, love the people who play it. Not liking the direction of destiny from the developers.


We asked for this. We asked for a change to season model. We complained about artifical power grind. These are things we asked for and now its a problem.

The biggest fault with the game is actually the community. Its overbearingly loud and far too demanding and then when we get what we ask for we still complain.


Accepting the little effort that bungie does is the reason why this game will never get better if people are still complaining about content droughts then it’s because this cycle has been going on for years, I mean come on it took bungie what like 2 years to make a NEW PVP MAP which ended up being the worst map in communities eyes.
Throughout this whole 10 year saga it feels like the meat riding this community has for bungie is beyond any help at this point, when I ask them has this changed or has that changed the community answers with “oh don’t worry they will get to that” and “of don’t worry they have plans for that” or like the constant maintenance issues “it’s offline now they’ll fix it eventually……” I just don’t get why people defend this studio so much, is it nostalgia cuz of halo or d1 cuz that’s the only thing other the quotes I’ve just put up on this comment say this is.
This whole let’s be kind towards each other is right.
But I’m just tired of the little effort put into this franchise.
We barely get any new strikes.
Most of the pvp team has been shifted to work on marathon (imo how can you expect a studio like bungie to develop two games when they can’t even keep up with one).
And gambit well that was not even mentioned in the state of the game 2023 and they said many months ago that they had plans for it and yet not a single thing about it was mentioned in the state of the game.


The thing is that considering the storytelling progress has become a little annoying for some
For others is the issue with the season pass price increase
The Eververse new format is way much worse than it was before Lightfall (or even Witch Queen)
The lack of PVP maps, changes on the Matchmaking
Still cheating issues

If Destiny wants to keep it's playerbase strong and together (before Marathon comes out) they must address all or most of the current problems the game has.



I think because there's not too much to do in Destiny right now people are annoyed and looking for things to do, and unfortunately being toxic to others seems like the only thing some others can do.
I hope things will get better soon and we can all go back to playing and loving this game as a community instead of being at each other's throats over small things.


yeah today i had probably the worst random raid group i’ve ever had. incredibly disrespectful and homophobic towards me specifically. it almost makes me want to stop playing because it feels like that’s all the community is right now. they fought with me over the smallest things and it was just incredibly demoralizing. i had to stop playing for the day because i was so frustrated. those people will always exist in the destiny community, but it feels like they’re becoming more and more common by the day.


"at the end of the day its just a game" THANK YOU. so many people get so wrapped up in destiny that they forget that its just supposed to be a fun past time. The best thing I did was putting the controller down and not play as often, so when I do get on I can appreciate what is going on and not feel bored in the process. Sure I wish that there was a load of content like taken king or forsaken, but I'm happy being able to just play for an hour or two a week now


I like to think while I ain’t playing D2, my Guardians are chilling in a Lodge in the European Deadzone, while my Hunter is telling tales of the Red War, my Titan and Warlock are tentatively listing.


It's not just the content drought. It's the toxic positivity that bungie facilitates, the feeling of Bungie just not listening, the direction of the game and the "casuals vs elitist" battle we have CONSTANTLY happening now. It's exhausting, but I maintain that Bungie is the root cause of this problem.


I love this game but I literally sat in orbit for like two hours today just trying to think of something to do


I've come to realize the vast majority of the people who are toxic as hell in the community are pvp mains. It's why I avoid pvp like the plague now


The removal of the level grind this season seems to a part of the problem. For me at least the level grind keeps me engaged for about half of the season and just when it burns me out GM's get released and I get reinvigorated to play. And during a season a seasonal usually happens midway or the end of a season. I saw this coming months ago when they announced they were not bumping the level cap.


I agree mostly, but I think a large majority of the continued anger from the community is because of the persistent issues that we've had to deal with for the better part of a decade now. I can understand server issues on big launches, such as the comet expansions, but we're getting horrible server problems either out of nowhere or from a simple hotfix that went out. Not to mention the mount of items, perks, exotics, etc that get disabled constantly because of game breaking bugs that pop up. Yes it is still a game, but it's a game we paid a lot of money for over the last few years.


This is something I appreciate about this channel, the atmosphere of positivity that’s missing from a lot of the Destiny community and rare in the overall world of online fandom.


Without the pinnacle level grind, people are beginning to see just how shallow seasons really are. Do the weekly story and farm for the dungeon exotic, that's basically it.


It feels like bungie is steadily making us pay more for less and less content


I quit destiny and haven’t looked back, and have never felt better as a gamer.
