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Απόσπασμα από τη λαϊκή όπερα "Καπετάν Μιχάλης"
του συνθέτη Δημήτρη Μαραμή
βασισμένη στο ομώνυμο μυθιστόρημα του Νίκου Καζαντζάκη
Ερμηνεία: Αγγελική Τουμπανάκη, Χριστίνα Μαξούρη, στο πιάνο ο συνθέτης.

Ανάθεση της Περιφέρειας Κρήτης για τον εορτασμό των 200 ετών από την ελληνική επανάσταση του 1821.

Μαγνητοσκόπηση Γιώργος Σπανός
Studio Κυριαζής

Ανέβηκε σε συμπαραγωγή με το ΔΗΠΕΘΕ Κρήτης, τους τέσσερις μεγάλους Δήμους της Κρήτης: Ηράκλειο, Χανιά, Ρέθυμνο, Λασίθι, και την εταιρεία Τεχνότροπον.

Dimitris Maramis studied piano and composition at the Welsh College of Music and Drama in the UK. He has composed three large scale works of musical theatre: the Greek contemporary musical Erotokritos, which was commissioned by the Greek National Opera (GNO) in 2017 and was premiered at the Alternative Stage of GNO and it has been performed at Herodion, Megaron of Music of Thessaloniki, and Cultural Centre of Heraklion in Crete. He has composed the Greek contemporary musical The Hauntings, which was commissioned by the Megaron of Music of Athens in 2019 (which was based on the traditional poetry: Dead Brother and Arta's Bridge) and was premiered at the Concert Hall of Athens (Megaron of Music of Athens). Moreover, he has also composed the contemporary folk opera Kapetan Michalis based on the same title fiction by Nikos Kazantzakis which was commissioned by the Region of Crete in 2021.
He has collaborated with various cultural organizations including the Greek National Opera, the Stavros Niarchos Foundation, the National Theatre of Greece, the National Theatre of Northern Greece, the Camerata of the Friends of Music, the Megaron of Music of Athens (Concert Hall of Athens), the  Megaron of Music of Thessaloniki (Concert Hall of Thessaloniki), the Demetria Festival of Thessaloniki, the Theofano Prize, the Cultural Centre of Heraklion Crete, e.t.c. Moreover, he has presented his compositions in various countries abroad: U.S.A., United Kingdom, Spain, Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg. He has released eight cd-albums. In addition, he has written incidental music for forty theatre productions, for the cinema and the television. 
He has composed the folk oratorio "Rebirth" (The Greek Revolution in 1821), which was commissioned by the Region of Sterea Ellada in 2021 for the celebration of the 200 years from the Greek Revolution of 1821 as well as the work for choir and string quartet The Music of Rotunda, commissioned from the Cultural Centre of Central Macedonia.
Dimitris Maramis is the artistic director of the Delphi Festival 2018-2022.
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