Evidence for Milgromian gravity from galactic bars to the Hubble tension
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A detailed review of MOND is available here, where you can read about the lines of evidence presented in the video and many others besides:
I review evidence for Milgromian dynamics (MOND) across a huge range of scales. The main lines of evidence I discuss are the rotation curves of galaxies, the dynamics of ellipticals, the Local Group satellite galaxy planes, galaxy bar pattern speeds, El Gordo, the KBC void and the related Hubble tension. I also provide a viable cosmological framework for MOND involving light sterile neutrinos with a mass of 11 eV/c^2 and the same total density as the cold dark matter in the LCDM standard cosmological paradigm. I use this to explain observations previously considered problematic for MOND like the cosmic microwave background radiation and the Bullet Cluster, and galaxy clusters more generally. There is also a long question and answer section in which I address several fairly common objections to the proposed nuHDM framework, which I consider to be a marriage between the best aspects of LCDM and MOND. The focus is on astrophysical situations not used in theory construction, hence the relatively small amount of time on how rotation curve data agrees with MOND. Some of the more important references are given below.
Enjoy my video! If you have any questions, feel free to email me at:
A detailed review of MOND is available here, where you can read about the lines of evidence presented in the video and many others besides:
I review evidence for Milgromian dynamics (MOND) across a huge range of scales. The main lines of evidence I discuss are the rotation curves of galaxies, the dynamics of ellipticals, the Local Group satellite galaxy planes, galaxy bar pattern speeds, El Gordo, the KBC void and the related Hubble tension. I also provide a viable cosmological framework for MOND involving light sterile neutrinos with a mass of 11 eV/c^2 and the same total density as the cold dark matter in the LCDM standard cosmological paradigm. I use this to explain observations previously considered problematic for MOND like the cosmic microwave background radiation and the Bullet Cluster, and galaxy clusters more generally. There is also a long question and answer section in which I address several fairly common objections to the proposed nuHDM framework, which I consider to be a marriage between the best aspects of LCDM and MOND. The focus is on astrophysical situations not used in theory construction, hence the relatively small amount of time on how rotation curve data agrees with MOND. Some of the more important references are given below.
Enjoy my video! If you have any questions, feel free to email me at: