Steve Buhaly: 7 Job Hunting Tips (Part II)

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In Part II, Steve shares key things to keep in mind as you approach each job interview.


Welcome back to our conversation about 7 tips for successful job hunting. My next tip is to learn to love interviewing. Yeah, I know! I didn't start off liking it either. But there's no doubt that people perform better when doing things they enjoy. And since you want to be at your best learn to enjoy it and if necessary, fake it until you make it! Frame it up as an interesting conversation and a chance to learn more about a place you might work for. Remember to smile, be as relaxed as possible, and make it a two way conversation. Be the person you would like to work with!

Tip number four - and perhaps the best one. Remember that an interview is not all about you! It's about finding a fit between the employer’s needs and your skills. A good marketer learns as much about a potential customer as possible. You need to do the same! Research the company in advance, ask questions, and look hard for a good fit. The better the fit, the better the offer!There's one question you'll get asked every time and learn to look forward to hearing! Any guesses? It's "tell me about yourself". I love that question as a candidate or an interviewer. Here's why. As a candidate, you've already perfected your pitch so it will sound smooth and professional and will have all of the good stuff in it. Add a good story or two to personalize things.And as a hiring manager I'm in the room because I have an unmet need - I need some help! Your elevator speech gives me a great starting point. I know what questions to ask. It also can be a quick way to find icebreaker topics. Perhaps you love Paris and we can talk a little about that.

Finally, have some good stories to tell and include a little humor if you can. How you made an impact, something you’re proud of. A couple of mistakes or failures and what you learned from them. Remember, the person who has no failures is either too timid to take chances or too arrogant to recognize one. So don’t hesitate to give a good answer when asked about a couple of failures. Close with what gets you fired up about the opportunity.
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