Detecting Colour in an Image using OpenCv and Python

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OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library) is released under a BSD license and hence it’s free for both academic and commercial use.
We detect colour in in an image using the HSV range of the colour we need to detect using OpenCV and Python.
HSV Range for various colours:
lower_black = [0,0,0]
upper_black = [250,255,30]
lower_white = [0,0,255]
upper_white = [0,0,255]
lower_red = [0,150,50]
upper_red = [10,255,255]
lower_green = [45,150,50]
upper_green = [65,255,255]
lower_yellow = [25,150,50]
upper_yellow = [35,255,255]
lower_light_blue = [95,150,0]
upper_light_blue = [110,255,255]
lower_orange = [15,150,0]
upper_orange = [25,255,255]
lower_dark_pink = [160,150,0]
upper_dark_pink = [170,255,255]
lower_pink = [145,150,0]
upper_pink = [155,255,255]
lower_cyan = [85,150,0]
upper_cyan = [95,255,255]
lower_dark_blue = [115,150,0]
upper_dark_blue = [125,255,255]
We detect colour in in an image using the HSV range of the colour we need to detect using OpenCV and Python.
HSV Range for various colours:
lower_black = [0,0,0]
upper_black = [250,255,30]
lower_white = [0,0,255]
upper_white = [0,0,255]
lower_red = [0,150,50]
upper_red = [10,255,255]
lower_green = [45,150,50]
upper_green = [65,255,255]
lower_yellow = [25,150,50]
upper_yellow = [35,255,255]
lower_light_blue = [95,150,0]
upper_light_blue = [110,255,255]
lower_orange = [15,150,0]
upper_orange = [25,255,255]
lower_dark_pink = [160,150,0]
upper_dark_pink = [170,255,255]
lower_pink = [145,150,0]
upper_pink = [155,255,255]
lower_cyan = [85,150,0]
upper_cyan = [95,255,255]
lower_dark_blue = [115,150,0]
upper_dark_blue = [125,255,255]
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